Migraines May Soon Be Treated With A Pill

Migraines are debilitating chronic headaches that can cause pain for hours or days. Migraines can begin in the early teen years and may be triggered by many things, including stress, odors, certain foods, alcohol, etc. Some migraines are accompanied by visual disturbances called auras, which are characterized by sensitivity to light, scintillating shapes, sometimes nausea and vomiting. About a third of migraine attacks are preceded by an aura.

Migraine Home cure Tips to remove Migraine Headache

Migraine can be an intense, throbbing, and recurrent headache. It is just a hereditary condition, plus the inheritance is passed down through the females as opposed to the males. It generally affects one side on the head and sometimes behind one eye or temple but sometimes affects both sides of head coupled with nausea / vomiting and it is sensitive to bright light, loud noises, and smell.

Common And Uncommon Migraine Headaches Symptoms

Migraine headaches symptoms are varied and many. They include pain that is sometimes limited to one side of the head and sometimes affects both. Pain is often considered to be throbbing or pulsating. Upset stomachs and a sensitivity to both sound and light also commonly occur. Changes in vision and a prickling sensation result from attacks. However, experiences vary by individual. Further, some head-related discomforts should never be seen as migraines but always as a possible life threatening situation.