General Purpose Insect Repellent

The difficulty with all-purpose insect repellent is that no one insect repellent will repel all insects. There are so many different species of insects that nothing will deter them all. Some insects in some areas for example have been especially focused, like bed bugs in New York, and so they have developed a tolerance to repellents that does not exist elsewhere.

DIY Home Improvement

It appears that there has been a decline in consumer confidence in the building and construction industry of late. This may be because of the scams highlighted on television or the bribery and corruption endemic in the corporate sector, but it is almost certainly the same motivation why so many are now carrying out home improvements by themselves.

Natural Mosquito Repellents

We all realize that mosquitoes are pests. None of us likes being bitten by them. Most people say ‘bitten’ although this not true. ‘Stung’ is also not factual. What the mosquito is actually doing is taking some of your protein in the form of blood though her proboscis, so that her eggs will have something to feed upon while they are developing.

Animals, Fleas, Ticks And Worms

Fleas and other parasites have always to be awarded the highest priority by dog owners. The very common occurrences of flea bite allergy in dogs causes worry to many dog owners every year, especially in the summer. This is because flea bites often cause allergic reactions in the area bitten by the fleas, which is often on the back above the tail. In these cases, the affected area becomes hairless due to the dog scratching itself very vigorously.

Mosquitoes In The North-East USA

Did you know that Eastern Equine Encephalitis can be spread to humans? It is rare, but mosquitoes can give humans EEE and at least one inhabitant of Middleborough can corroborate it. What is more EEE is worse for humans than West Nile Virus, which is spread by the same species of mosquito in the North East of the United States.

Skin Irritation In Dogs

We are inclined to think of dogs as being tough; animals that can take care of themselves; animals that are far more in touch with nature than we humans are and we sort of admire them for it, in a way. However, the truth is that dogs come under many of the stresses that we do including pollution and junk food, even though they do not have to do the nine-to-five or sit in traffic jams, which are of our own making anyway.