Wellness Coaching – Getting the Body Alkaline

Your body is more intelligent than you are. It also has the amazing capability to regenerate itself. Its innate intelligence can replace nearly every cell in your body every eight to ten months. Why not empower it to replace your damaged cells with perfectly healthy cells? The best Wellness Coaches will teach you that there are typically only three factors that block the body’s self-healing power: Stress, toxins, and a vertebral subluxation.

Wellness Coaching – My Recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

In 1990, my body came down with a very heavy fatigue. In order to fully understand what it was like, imagine the fatigue you felt during your worst flu. Then magnify it times ten. Now imagine living like this, day after day, for over a decade. This is what is known as chronic fatigue syndrome and it affects millions of people around the world.