Can Genital Warts Be Cured? The Dreaded HPV Virus Strikes Again

The majority of genital or venereal warts are mainly found in the vicinity of the vagina or penis area. Those who are familiar with warts, will see them as being pink or red lumps. Many of these warts are seen as quite small, while others are the size of large pimples. This type of genital wart virus has the ability to spread quickly to other parts of the body, as well as other individuals who happen to come into contact with the affected area. Majority of these genital warts will first appear in a collection of three or four, multiplying and spreading rapidly. Many individuals of genital warts have complained of having mild pain, some itching and even some bleeding.

Human Papilloma Virus: Human Papilloma Virus and Warts

Human papilloma virus HPV infections are one of the deadly sexually transmitted diseases. It is a result of sexual promiscuity. HPV if left untreated for quite some time can result in such conditions which can lead to more complications and ultimately result in the death of the poor victim. If you find symptoms like genital warts on your private areas of the body, then it’s better to consult a doctor. Those people who are sexually active should get a Pap smear test done once in a year to detect HPV infections.