Hpv And Genital Warts: Why They Are Common But Highly Contagious

HPV is one of the ever-growing infectious diseases in the world. The percentage rate is higher in adults and almost 30 percent among the 100 types of Human Papilloma Virus is sexually transmitted. HPV infection oftentimes has no symptoms and eventually heals itself. Nonetheless, HPV causes negative Pap test to some person that may lead other problems such as genital warts and worst genital cancer.

Which Other Skin Conditions Look Like Genital Herpes Symptoms in Men?

Diagnosing genital herpes symptoms in men by simply looking at them is easier said than done for most physicians. The disease’s symptoms often appear similar to those of several other sexually-transmitted diseases and skin conditions, and can vary greatly in severity from one sufferer to another. For example, whereas some men will develop a minor skin irritation (one that resembles any number of other skin conditions) during a breakout, others will exhibit the clusters of fluid-filled blisters commonly associated with the infection.

How to Identify Herpes Symptoms in Men

Herpes symptoms in men can vary greatly from one individual to another, with some men exhibiting obvious signs of infection, while others’ symptoms are so mild that they go unnoticed. Not surprisingly, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) estimates that, although one out of every nine American men between the ages of 14 and 49 is infected, nearly 80% of those with genital herpes (or HSV-2) are unaware that they carry the virus.

“What Does Herpes Look Like and How Do I Know if I Have It?”

The question “What does herpes look like?” is a difficult one to answer because the visible symptoms of the disease do not appear the same in every individual. Furthermore, other sexually transmitted diseases can produce symptoms that appear similar to a genital herpes outbreak. For these reasons, if you suspect that you may have been infected with genital herpes (also known as the HSV-2 virus), diagnosis by a physician is the only sure way to know.

Two Choices In Recovering From Genital Herpes

A carrier of genital herpes may receive a treatment yet there is no total cure about it. Once you are a carrier of the disease, you will be carrying the virus for a lifetime. Though this is true, it doesn’t mean that anyone infected is bound to suffer from its symptoms for the rest of his or her life because there are things that you can do to control the symptoms and outbreaks and live a normal and healthy life. Living a normal life and having sexual relationships wouldn’t be impossible even if you are carrying the disease.

Concerning Genital Herpes

A carrier of genital herpes may receive a treatment yet there is no total cure about it. Once you are a carrier of the disease, you will be carrying the virus for a lifetime. The infected person who carries the virus in the body has the right to control outbreaks of symptoms with the disease. Genital herpes should not hinder your own enjoyment to in life.

Has A Vaccine For Genital Herpes Been Discovered?

In an inspiring bit of news on the fight against genital herpes, one of the world’s top research corporations just revealed that it might be close to developing a vaccine for the HSV-2 virus responsible for the STD. U.S. medical firm Agenus Inc. provided findings from its current research last month showing that its developmental drug, HerpV, successfully stopped the appearance of herpes symptoms in men and women who participated. Even more impressively, the vaccine also seemed to block the virus’ ability to implant itself in another host.

Does Pubic Shaving Increase the Spread of Herpes in Men?

What is the connection between a reported rise in the incidence of herpes in men and the rise in popularity of pubic area shaving and waxing? Several health care experts think that there is, and earlier this year went on the record to discuss why they think the practice of shaving and waxing dramatically elevates a man’s chance of acquiring HSV-2 (genital herpes).

The Causes of Herpes Outbreaks

In spite of years of medical research into the issue, the sources of herpes outbreaks are still poorly understood. Typically called “triggers”, the stimuli responsible for triggering the process of viral shedding in infected people is believed to encompass everything from direct sunlight to specific types of food items. Unfortunately, while hypotheses abound, not much in the form of scientific proof is available.