Early Signs Of Genital Warts: If I Have Genital Warts, Does it Mean I Have Herpes?

You notice an itching sensation in your private areas and you notice some bumps. At first, you think that it’s a rash and with more diligent hygiene, it will go away. But the bumps don’t go away, they multiply and might even start to get bigger. The bumps take on a cauliflower like appearance. You go online to find out what is causing these symptoms and you discover that you have genital warts. So then your next step is to find out what to do to begin treating genital warts.

Early Signs Of Genital Warts: Beginning Stages Of Genital Warts

The symptoms of genital warts occur in several stages, and in order to keep oneself safe and healthy, it’s worth knowing how to identify these symptoms at every step of their development. Consider this guide a sort of report on the “Life cycle of the genital wart”. Early symptoms: Genital warts are most difficult to spot, but easiest to treat, at their early signs of genital warts development. When they are first appearing, they may simply look like acne or ingrown hairs. The difference will be in a tougher consistency, and unusual persistence. A pimple or ingrown hair only takes a few days to fade, but it may seem to be taking up permanent residence.