Developing a Stable Core – What You Should Know

Core stability. It seems like a heavy phrase. It conjures images of something as crucial as a nuclear core that threatens to destroy everything it comes in contact with should it melt or explode. While that may happen in a nuclear reactor– such as what the Japanese are trying so desperately to prevent in one of their nuclear power plants damaged by the tsunami last March 11– the effects of a weakened core may not be as widespread or as scary where bodily fitness is concerned. But for the individual who grapples with a less than optimum strength in the abdominal, back and pelvic muscles, the effects are no less debilitating. Chronic back pain, being constantly prone to injuries and muscular imbalances that lead to falls and breaks are the results of a weakened core. And while it is not as scary as a nuclear meltdown, the discomfort and literal pain in the butt that it brings can truly impede one’s quality of life.

Core Stability And Back Pain Issues

There’s an abundance of reasons for the body to break down in some ways. When giving thought to issues that lead to your back feeling strain then you need to bear in mind core stability and back pain. The core is central to the body and needs to be built up for health to be maintained. It has an impact on balance for your body and every single movement that you make is affected by it in some respect.