Can Genital Warts Be Cured? The Dreaded HPV Virus Strikes Again

The majority of genital or venereal warts are mainly found in the vicinity of the vagina or penis area. Those who are familiar with warts, will see them as being pink or red lumps. Many of these warts are seen as quite small, while others are the size of large pimples. This type of genital wart virus has the ability to spread quickly to other parts of the body, as well as other individuals who happen to come into contact with the affected area. Majority of these genital warts will first appear in a collection of three or four, multiplying and spreading rapidly. Many individuals of genital warts have complained of having mild pain, some itching and even some bleeding.

The Problem of HPV in Women

Symptoms of HPV in women can be different dependant upon which one of the about 100 different kinds of the infection is contracted. Complicating the issue is the point that a number of recognized varieties of human papillomavirus tend not to produce any noticeable indications of an infection. When a person thinks about the fact approximately one half of sexually-active individuals likely will catch HPV during their lifetime, the enormous size of the epidemic is made apparent.

HPV Genital Warts: Venereal Warts

Genital warts are caused by genital Human papilloma virus infection. Genital warts are also known as venereal warts. It is caused by virus called human papilloma virus. This is a family of around 40 HPV viruses that has many strains and types causing several sexually transmitted diseases. These viruses have been identified as a cause of cervix and certain other cancers. HPV viruses have been categorized as low risk or high risk virus.