Spiritual Life Coaching – A Pain-Body Attack

When the pain-body becomes active it begins devouring your consciousness. It has succeeded in convincing you that you are the pain-body! Your entire mental process and sense of self is completely aligned with it. And it knows it. The pain-body is now in charge. It has taken over you, your speech, your sight, your perception, and most importantly, your emotions and all the pain that comes with them. And this is when you have, in a sense, become the pain-body. The true you is no longer. And at that very moment (at the time of consumption) the last thing in the world you want is to be at peace. You want war! So what do you do? You go looking for an enemy.

Spiritual Life Coaching – Observing the Pain-Body

No matter how much meditation or spiritual practice you do, until you comprehend how the pain-body manifests itself through you and through others, you will be tricked by it and subsequently slip back into unconsciousness every time it resurfaces. The first step is to realize that you have a pain-body inside of you. Think of it as a body or field of energy that prospers through your own anger, hatred, heaviness, anxiety, depression, stress, and fears of impending doom. However it manifests, it will be causing you to re-experience your early childhood trauma which is the time when your pain-body began to manifest.

Do You Need Anger Management?

Anger management is not just for crazed maniacs or disgruntled executives. Learning how to manage minor and major irritations is something everyone needs to do. You may want to start by obtaining general anger management information and progress to enrolling in an anger management class. But first you need to recognize classic symptoms of uncontrolled rage that will alert you to the need for anger management.

Are You Addicted to Anger?

Michael was raised in a home where anger was used to control. His parents used their anger to attempt to control each other as well as their children. Sometimes the anger erupted into violence and Michael and his siblings would get physically hurt. Michael never knew when one of his parents would suddenly become enraged, so the threat was always there.

About Anger Management Technique

Dealing with anger is never easy, since people are continually facing problems and reasons for conflict. However, our anger management technique is very important. We have to deal with price increases, arguments, war, violence, crime, everyday common stupidity and continuous interruptions. There is not one solitary, single person in this often difficult world that has not gotten mad at some time.