Symptoms Genital Warts: Causes and Symptoms

Genital warts are the most commonly diagnosed sexually transmitted disease; statistics indicate that at least 75 percent of sexually active teens and adults will be exposed to this highly contagious condition at some time. If you have suspicious skin growths in your genital area, it is important that you see a doctor as soon as possible. If you are diagnosed with this widespread disease, we can show you the most effective genital wart removal method currently available.

There are three places within a woman’s body where this type of infection can occur. These can be vaginal region, around the vulva and on the cervix. A female suffering from warts on her cervix may suffer from occasional bleeding or a different discharge from the vagina. Warts can be seen either in groups or singularly.

How are warts transmitted from one person to another? HPV is highly contagious and is easily spread between sexual partners. If you or your partner have been exposed to the virus, you can pass it on even if you do not have warts. Since HPV can remain dormant for many years, there is a chance you could carry the disease for a long period of time without being aware of it.

In women they are found in moist areas like vagina and anorectic area. The symptoms genital warts like itching, burning sensation are at times misunderstood for skin rashes. Most of the times warts appear in clusters but people confuse singly appeared warts with moles and ignore it.

To remove warts, doctor may freeze them off. But, the entire process may be time taking. However, the treatment only removes the warts, not the virus. Consequently, the warts may reappear within few days. So, wearing condoms during sexual intercourse and also avoiding intercourse for sometime after taking consent of your partner may be advisable as a preventive measure.

Learn more about how to get help with Curing HPV Genital Warts.

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