Spider Leg Veins

Spider leg veins, also known as varicose veins, are enlarged veins, which are often painful. These veins have expanded because the valves inside the veins that regulate the direction of blood flow do not close correctly, allowing the blood to flow backwards within the veins and weakening the walls of the veins. This, in turn, causes swelling and pain in the veins, leading to difficulties in standing for long periods of time and muscle pain. Also, the enlarged veins appear like a dark blue or purple web on the surface of the skin. There are many natural cures to this common medical problem.

While there are no medical treatments to prevent the causes of spider veins there are a number effective ways to get rid of them. There are laser techniques and injections that are effective but can be very costly and require follow up treatments. More and more people are turning to alternative medicine and experimenting with natural techniques and medicines to combat the causes of spider veins.

Some holistic doctors suggest increasing your intake of bioflavenoids, an ingredient found just below the surface of most citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits. Bioflavenoids strengthen capillary and vein walls which when they get weak are one of the main causes of spider veins.
Other doctors of natural healing suggest that exercises that tone the legs, such as laying on the back and raising the legs are effective. The theory behind this is that the blood drains from the spidered veins thus relieving pressure and reducing swelling. These exercises are not only good for battling spider veins but are also great for overall circulation.

Fortunately, there are natural remedies for improving spider veins. Some of these are herbal products such as horse chestnut, butcher’s broom, and ginkgo biloba that may be taken in pill form. A cloth soaked in witch hazel or apple cider vinegar and pressed onto the legs reduces swelling and discomfort. This is because both act as astringents to tighten the blood vessels closest to the skin’s surface. Spider veins also respond to exercise. Calf raises, swimming, walking, and cycling all assist the blood back to the heart, thereby reducing excess pooling in the veins.

The enlarged spider leg veins can be reduced naturally by the use of exercise to promote better blood circulation. Exercising each day promotes the correct and continual circulation of the blood through the veins. Exercising the legs is most important for this health issue, so activities like walking or leg lifts are extremely beneficial. Also, weight gain after an event like pregnancy contributes to spider leg veins. Losing weight can reduce the effects of spider leg veins.

When it gets right down to hitting a home run, and you’re looking for that natural ingredient pill you can just swallow and say: to heck with it, this will work, think: Venovil Capsules. Venovil is a natural and safe varicose vein treatment, and is meant to be taken as a dietary supplement. Its main focus is to reduce swelling and strengthen vein walls.

Find out more about Laser varicose veins – Laser varicose veins treatment: Is there a natural alternative?. Visit our site where you can find out all about Is Sclerotherapy Worth It?.

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