Simple and Easy Trick to Lose Weight

There is one single best way to lose weight that’s supported by research and studies of dieters. It’s simple and it’s free. Simply write down what you’re eating every day. Many people may wonder why this one simple weight loss tip is so easy and so effective. Here’s why. Most people don’t realize how much food they’re consuming each day. They underestimate their calories by quite a bit.

According to a study done at the State University of Louisiana, health experts were asked to estimate the number of calories they consumed each day. It turns out they underestimated their caloric intake by 10%, which is quite high for health experts. If health professionals can’t estimate the number of calories they eat, then dieters in general are most likely eating a lot more than they think they are, say researchers.

Research and studies reveal that dieters who track what they’re eating day lose twice as much weight compared to those who don’t write down what they’re eating every day. Here are a few reasons why keeping a food journal works. It keeps dieters accountable for what they’re consuming each day. It also aids in helping them realize specific unhealthy eating patterns. For the most part, people in general tend to eat more in certain situations or when they’re feeling certain feelings. When people keep a food journal, they notice these patterns, and soon they can make changes to stop overeating.

It’s not necessary to keep a long, detailed list of all the food you eat every day to be successful at losing weight. All you need to do is keep a list of what you eat on a Post-It note or computer. You can also email or text yourself what you’re eating. It’s the actual act of writing down somewhere what you eat that helps you change your behaviors and helps you drop those extra pounds.

If you want, you can be more detailed with your food diary. Keep track of exactly what you’re eating, where you’re eating it and how you’re feeling when you’re eating. You should also write down the nutritional information like calories, fat, protein an carbohydrates. You can even add how often you exercise, which will help you exercise even more.

Keeping a food journal to lose weight is supported by research. It’s free and it’s one of the best ways if not the most effective way to lose weight. Why not give it a try. You have nothing to lose but extra pounds.

In addition, find more information at Best Way to Lose Weight. Best Way to Lose Weight is supported by research for the best weight loss tips.

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