Selecting A Marathon Training Program

Running a marathon is something that so many novice runners aim to do. It’s a very reachable goal and something that is very attainable if trained for properly. By considering fluid intake, injury prevention, motivation, and health even the most amateur runner can complete a marathon.

Too many first time marathon runners feel the best way to tackle a training program is to simply hammer out mile after mile. They think that running long runs, day after day, will prepare their bodies for the race.

Unfortunately many athletes have learned this is the fastest way to obtain an injury. Today’s marathoner knows that running smart and following a well designed marathon training schedule is the quickest way to complete their desired goal.

A good running program will not only teach you body to run these types of distances but it will cause you to burn more fat, both during and after your run, and trains your heart to function better. The health benefits of running a marathon can only be realized by following a good training schedule. They are designed to blend safety and performance carefully together.

So there’s the question of how to train for a marathon. The how-to’s of that are beyond the context of this article; however I have included some tips on what to look for in a training schedule. The most important being your time frame. Marathon training schedules range in length from 12 weeks to over 6 months so the first thing necessary is to determine how much time you have to work with.

You also want to make sure it is within your fitness window. Runners start training schedules at various levels of fitness so do a few training runs to determine your particular starting point. Jumping into a marathon training program that begins with a 10 mile long run, when you can only run 6 miles, will only get you hurt.

Coaches, runners, and trainers that know how to write these programs are the best resources to turn too for advise and program design. There are far too many flawed programs put forth by those who have no idea what their doing so turn to a runner that you can trust and perhaps look for one who has made the same fitness journey as yourself.

Make sure you have checked with your Doctor as well. Running is a safe and healthy hobby but it can be very stressful on your heart and muscles so have a family physician check you over to make sure you’re good and tuned up to run.

It’s our sincere desire that these tips will help you with your fitness quest. I have included a couple of additional links below to further help you with your selection of your program.

Visit our site on marathon running for more on the best ways to marathon training schedule

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