Sam’s fitness tips – how to lose the fat

Lose the fat

Introduction to ‘lose the fat’

So, you want to ‘lose the fat’? Believe me, you’re not on your own in that. Carrying excess weight is a very common problem in the US and the majority of the western world, and some concerned experts have even stated that we are in the midst of an ‘obesity epidemic’. I’ve written this article to tell you why learning how to ‘lose the fat’ is massively beneficial for your health and well-being and a basic guide on how to go about it.

Health Benefits

There are a stack of health benefits to losing fat, getting in shape and becoming fitter. Losing fat has been linked to reduced chances of getting cancer, heart disease and a whole host of other common health problems. Learning how to lose the fat and following through on a reliable program is pretty much guaranteed to result in a healthier you.

Benefits to Well-being

In addition to the many health benefits of losing excess fat, it is believed by the vast majority of medical experts that people within healthy bodyfat ranges are generally happier and more optimistic. A great deal of studies have also proven that when people lose the fat they are usually more motivated in their day to day life and have a higher chance of regularly achieving a sense of well-being.

Exercise (aerobic)

Aerobic exercise has long been touted as one of the best ways to lose the fat. This is any form of working out that involves maintaining a steady pace for an allotted period of time (Fitness level usually determines how long). Some examples are walking, jogging, exercise classes and swimming (probably the best aerobic exercise). These types of exercise are useful methods of burning fat, however Anaerobic exercise is far more effective.

Exercise – Anaerobic

Anaerobic exercise is any form of working out that involves short bursts of high intensity exercise (e.g lifting weights, interval training etc). Anaerobic exercise places high demands on the body so therefore it’s important to have a decent base level of aerobic fitness before incorporating this into your routine – 4-6 weeks of regular running or swimming should be sufficient. Anaerobic exercise forces your body to go beyond regular aerobic training and can result in you burning fat for up to 48 hours following your workout.


It is believed by many (myself included) that a good diet is the most important part of any fat loss plan. The basic diet that is used to lose the fat is a calorie deficit diet, where less calories are consumed than burned. Despite the fact that this type of diet has proved reliable for many years, a lot of professional athletes ( bodybuilders especially, who get to down to bodyfat levels as low as 3-4%) often opt for a low carb, high protein diet when losing fat. A diet like this can be hard to maintain unless you are very dedicated, so a toned down version, i.e where some good, healthy carbs are eaten (e.g brown rice instead of white) is better for your average person looking to lose the fat.


So there it is, a basic guide to losing fat and becoming fitter and healthier. Good luck with your weight loss and fitness goals.

Want to find out more about The Fastest Way To Lose Fat, ? then visit Sam Masters’s site to find out how to lose belly fat and the all the associated benefits

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