Safety Measures for Walking in Hot Weather

One of the best forms of exercise that almost everyone can do is walking. Time and place is almost always no object in making walking an exercise. You don’t have to buy expensive exercise gear if you want to walk. A comfortable pair of walking or running shoes and cool clothes is all you need to get started.

But in the summer when the sun is at its hottest, walking outside is not always ideal. The sun’s intense heat magnifies the danger of dehydration and stroke. If it’s not possible to continue your walking regimen in an indoor walking track or treadmill, you need to observe certain precautions to make your summer walks safer.

One thing that you can do to keep your walking routine even in the summer is to walk early in the morning or late in the afternoon or at nights. We all know that the hottest parts of the day occur from 9 am to 3 pm. So to avoid this, the early riser can walk from 4 am to 6 am while the not-so-early ones can do it from 5 pm to around 8 pm. If you plan to walk at night, make sure that you know the route you take to be safe and secure.

If starting out when the sun isn’t up isn’t possible, you have to take extra measures to protect your skin from dehydration. Apply sunscreen with a sun protection factor or SPF of 15 or higher before you walk. This is your precaution against dehydration since it helps prevent sweat from evaporating too fast from your skin.

A wide-brimmed hat is a very useful protective aid. This shades your head and neck so making this part of your protective gear is recommended. Shades are also necessary to protect your eyes. There are shades with plastic frames and lenses that are lightweight and durable that you can use. Choose those that give a good fit at the temples so that you don’t get a headache from wearing one that squeezes too tightly.

Clothing that’s comfortable, light and light-colored are great since they cool your skin as you walk. There are also clothes that are specifically tailored to protect your skin from the sun’s UV rays. Since a lot of the sportswear companies are already making these kinds of apparel, it would be a worthy investment to get a set if you want to seriously walk for health.

Don’t forget to bring cold water on your walk. You can prevent dehydration if you take sips as you go along. About six ounces every 15 minutes should allow you to finish your routine without any untoward incidents.

Finally, if the sun gets too hot for comfort, don’t force yourself. Find a shaded area and schedule your walking when it’s much cooler. If you find yourself getting dizzy, feeling nauseated or gasping for air, find shelter and get emergency medical help right away.

Also, in case you’re interested, one of my favorite ways to shed pounds is with the Turbo Jam workout, it is excellent. Look at this TurboJam review.

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