RULE CHANGE! (weight loss contest)

Send your video to [email protected] -You can be any age to enter -You can be from anywhere in the world to enter. -You don’t have to be fat to enter. -You must submit a video of you on or before January 1st 2010 You can send your videos in today and get a head start but the LAST day I will accept entries is on January 1st The contest ends March 31st 2010 and you have to have your AFTER video to me by April 2 2010 YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE FAT TO WIN THIS CONTEST! If you look sickly pale …

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  1. Shay, Merry Christmas! Hope you have an amazing holiday season… Just wanna say thanks to you, Charles Trippy and SXEPhil for inspiring me to start MY OWN VLOG. If it weren’t for you guy’s I’d have never started. Thanks! Merry XMAS!

  2. RockinThaSoLows says:


  3. dragonwalls says:

    lol wat u get from it?

  4. reizendefee says:

    Lol, I keep trying to upload a video for the contest but youtube keeps messing it up… lets hope this last one worked…

  5. bajshuvve1 says:


  6. insanomonkey says:

    Handing out lockerz invites, my way of saying Merry Christmas. Message me with your email address, so I can send you an invite 🙂

  7. Capespear49 says:

    If I enter before I have all my Christmas fat on, I’ll be hobbling my chances… January 1, here I come!

  8. they should all wear beards when they make their videos!

  9. helpforaddiction says:

    LEARN THE MOST EFFECTIVE WAY TO BEAT ADDICTION!! Visit my channel for more info or email me. I’m not selling anything, I’m just trying to help people who are struggling like I did.

  10. omgomg5475 says:

    as a swede i found finway kinda funny lol

  11. bellatoast83 says:

    hey u guys shouldn’t make fun of me just cuz I like sex!

  12. StanRather says:

    @wade2bosh Eat a child that weighs 14 pounds.

  13. DelightfulDenise says:

    WOW almost 100 people are in this contest. GOOD LUCK TO ALL.

  14. uhlyssuhrocks says:

    He said we can do any transformation so I think that would be a great video. Good Luck to you!

  15. x1y1l1e1m says:

    Hey guys the Shayloss support vid is up, go check it out.

  16. x1y1l1e1m says:

    yeah…chechout the main video. Its more about a good change in you body. Gud luck. 🙂

  17. sooperdan121 says:

    can i do a bulking video? im skinny, but im going to start throwing some metal around in the new year. so can i send you my skinny to beast transformation vid shay?

  18. GiftedSolo says:

    Working out would be best to gain weight, not eating more lol that’s for sure

  19. wade2bosh says:

    i weigh 121 and im male…how do i gain weight? i wanna be 135.

  20. oncelove2love says:

    you can enter the contest even if your skinny!

  21. well the main part of this whole channel is to get healthy. Gaining a ton of weight is not getting healthy if your at normal weight

  22. DarenCadore531 says:

    -Miley Cyruss secks vid online WowMiley {.] COm

  23. littleapple11 says:

    so if you’re normal weight and you go to skinny weight
    you wouldn’t win right?

  24. Did anyone catch that “That’s what she said.”? hahaha. (:

  25. Come on man, it’s not fair because I’m not fat, if I lose weight I will die. Can’t I give you a before picture of me skinny, and like, send you an after picture of me really fat?
    You know, it’s harder to gain weight than it is to lose it.

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