Ringworm Treatments

Ringworm is a fungus found in humans, animals, and dirt. It is highly contagious and can easily pass from human to human, animal to human, surface to human, or from direct contact with dirt that contains the fungus. However, there are many different ways to get rid of ringworm. Of course you would treat surfaces, animals, and dirt different than you would treat humans. When treating humans the common cure is anti fungal medication. This medication may come in the form of creams, pills, or oral liquid medications.

The risk of becoming infected with ringworm is between 20-30% which increases if your immune system is weakened (from being sick) or if you come into contact with an infected human or animal. The signs of ringworm include a red, raised, tender or itchy circular rash with healthy looking skin in the middle of the ring. It may be scaly or crusty and in some circumstances, weep. The circle may appear alone or in groups of three or more and commonly affect legs, arms, face, neck and underarms.

However, these treatments provide relief for minor cases of ringworm. If ringworm is left untreated it can become very bad and will require a doctor’s diagnosis. In addition, ringworm is highly contagious and spreads very quickly. In order to stop the spread and beat the cycle of re-infestation you need to take many steps to clean your home and personal belongings.

The 3 Day Ringworm Treatment system was developed to help you stop the spread of ringworm and eliminate it in three short days. Many people suffer for years or months as ringworm spreads from person to person in a home. However, with this simple to use program you can get rid of ringworm quickly and efficiently before anyone else is affected. For less than the cost of many prescription treatments the 3 Day Ringworm Treatment Plan will take you through every step you need to complete. You will be taught the steps you need to take in order to eliminate this highly contagious fungus and stop the incessant itch and annoyance brought on by the ringworm fungus.

Contact sports should be avoiding for a minimum 48 hours after beginning treatment to ensure the infection goes away and also that you do not infect others. Your doctor may prescribe any of the following topical medications to cure your ringworm: clotrimazole, ketoconazole, miconazole, econazole, oxiconazole, sulconazole, sertaconazole, naftifine, terbinafine, tolnaflate, or ciclopirox. Steriods are not a suitable choice for ringworm treatment and their use may actually worsen the infection. Some ringworm medications include both an antifungal and a steroid, which should be avoided at all costs. Deep or severe ringworm which form abscesses may require a surgical procedure to drain the fluid. Infections which are not cured by antifungal topical creams may be given antifungal medication in pill form. These include; itraconazole, terbinafine, fluconazole or griseofulvin. After your visit to the doctors, it is important any and all instructions about the treatment, are followed. Ensure you finish the full course of treatment and follow the hygiene requirements to prevent spreading the infection.

Want to find out more about ringworm treatment, then visit Sonya Ryer’s site on how to choose the best keyword #2 for your needs.

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