Right food mix can raise your beans

There are a large amount of various diets that will guarantee you to lose some pounds. Some can keep that promise and some don’t. But even if they do keep the promise it is not a guarantee the diet is not unhealthy.

Recently a large amount of the celebrity diets have been anti carb diets. I can recollect one where you were permitted to eat a lot of fat and protein – but no carbs in any way. I read a couple of articles about this topic, and the idea was that with fats and protein you were feeling stuffed much longer time. The diet was often complimented with pictures of ham and eggs basically swimming in fat. This was supposed to be the best breakfast.

I can’t believe how folk actually fellt for that diet. It was coarse.

Well many studies say that you’re going to gain weight when you eat a lot of fat and carbs. So there was some truth about not eating carbs. However this doesn’t mean that we can do without carbs. It’s still vital for our body.

Carbohydrate is the fuel for our body. It produces the energy we need to get thru the day. Look at professional sportsmen. Their main diet relies on carbohydrates. Nevertheless be aware that there are some carbohydrates that aren’t excellent for you. For example white bread, white pasta and sugar.

Studies also say that your body needs protein to build muscles. So you can’t leave this out either.

So what is the perfect diet then? Some years ago I learned about The Hay Diet. Shortly The Hay Diet is a collection of beliefs saying that you should not mix carbohydrate and protein in the same meal, and 2/3 of your meal should be what the Hay Diet calls neutral food.

When I heard about this diet and the gigantic weight loss results which you could achieve, I just had to try it out. In just two months I lost twenty-two pounds. I lost just about twelve procent of my body weight. The diet also gave med high energy through out the day and I always went full to bed.

I think that you should try The Hay Diet if you are tied of diets that drain your energy and doesn’t make you contented. This diet can have a big inpact on your life.

Liam is a writer and writes about living a healthy life. He has been on The Hay Diet for approximately four years, and it has complete changed his entire life. As he use to say: “It’s an exciting way to lose weight and stay healthy”.

categories: diets,lose weight,food combination

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