Remaining Fit While Stressed – Important Details You Should Know

Stress is the culprit behind the weight gain experienced by many individuals today. Pressures like exams, deadlines and closing business deals with an important client inevitably lead many people to turn to food.

Most of the time, the food they ingest are sugar-laden and calorie-filled pastries or sweets that give a short “sugar high” but get deposited directly into their bellies and thighs. Also, the hectic schedules of those caught in this situation often mean that their choice of meals are often relegated to what fast food restaurants offer. This further contributes to unhealthy fat gain.

Another fitness program that stressed individuals sacrifice in favor of keeping their jobs is their regular workout. But they can’t be blamed for that. It’s virtually a no-contest choice when you are asked to keep your job or miss your routine.

Unfortunately, the demands of work in this day and age always put every worker under a deadline! Businesses have become so competitive that everyone, even owners of their own companies, are forced to meet the demands or risk running out of business. Before a harassed executive knows it, he or she has developed previously non-existent love handles and is wondering why the chest pains are becoming more frequent.

Despite the challenge faced by super-stressed individuals where finding time to exercise and eat well-balanced meals are concerned, this must still be overcome if health is to be nurtured. It only takes a little bit of planning and prioritizing to put exercise and healthy eating into one’s loaded schedule.

If you want to beat your fast food and sugar cravings, especially when you turn to it for comfort when the deadlines just keep on coming, have “stress food” always on hand. Dried fruits, trail mixes, carrot sticks, sunflower seeds, almonds and homemade granola bars are what you need to have with you all the time. They are healthy, portable and don’t need utensils to get served.

Instead of giving you excess pounds, these give you a boost of healthy energy so you can keep the stresses in stride. And since they fill you up, you don’t have to run to the fast food joint to get your cheeseburgers, fries or sodas. Moreover, caffeine is best substituted with water. Tiredness is often your body’s way of telling you that it is thirsty. So the next time you start feeling fatigued or sleepy, don’t reach for coffee but have a glass of water and you’ll be surprised at how much better you will feel afterwards.

If you don’t have time to exercise, you will just have to incorporate it into your routine. Walk on the way to work if it’s within walking distance. You can leave your heels in your office and wear sneakers on the way to work. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Learn to take breaks in between your work by doing desk stretches or Yoga poses. If you eat small and frequent meals while on the job, you can use your one hour lunch break to walk around the park or do a little workout in the company gym or any fitness center nearby. If you observe these steps, you can beat stress and stay fit even when pressed.

By the way, on the lookout for an excellent weight loss program? Check out the Insanity training program by Shaun T. It is really good. Also, don’t forget to read our complete Insanity results, you will enjoy it.

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