Relief For Your Sciatica Pain
If you suffer from intense pain that runs from your lower back down your legs due to sciatica, chances are you are looking for pain relief that will help to ease your symptoms. There are many different steps you can take to relieve your sciatica nerve pain such as pain killers, anti-inflammatory medications, exercise, non-surgical treatments as well as surgical treatments.
All sciatica cases don’t require surgery. Most cases of sciatica are treated with pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Ibuprofen, aspirin, or any over-the-counter medications will reduce the person’s pain if the sciatica pain is mild enough. Quite a few sciatica sufferers are prescribed non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs to help reduce symptoms and pain from sciatica and the lower back in general.
Stronger medications such as codeine may be prescribed if the pain does not subside from the use of other pain killers. Pain medications such as codeine should not be taken lightly as there is a risk of addiction. Muscle relaxers also shouldn’t be taken lightly as they can make the user very drowsy, putting them at risk if they are involved with activities such as driving, working or anything athletic.
Regular physical fitness is the best and healthiest way to reduce sciatica symptoms for the long term. A proper exercise routine will help to train your muscles to be more relaxed, flexible and strong which in turn will reduce the amount of compression on the sciatica nerve from the muscles that surround it.
Your physician may opt to perform spinal surgery if all other options have failed. Your doctor might recommend doing a microdiscectomy when herniated discs are the cause of your sciatica pain. This is a procedure that physically removes what is compressing the sciatic nerve.
Sometimes sciatica pain and symptoms results from a condition known as spinal stenosis. This condition causes nerve compression and can be alleviated with a surgical procedure called a lumbar laminectomy. A lumbar laminectomy involves giving more space to the nerve bundles within the spinal column by removing bones from the vertebra.
A discectomy is one of the oldest surgical procedures performed to reduce back pain. A discectomy is the removal of the disc that is causing the problem or that is diseased from the spine. Sciatica pain and symptoms are reduced once the disc has been removed and the pressure on the nerve is removed.
Spinal fusion surgery is often the last option for sciatica pain relief. A spinal fusion involves joining two or more vertebrae together to alleviate irritation causes by compression. However, this type of surgery is usaully done only as a last resort, when the spine has undergone years of physical injury or in advanced cases of osteoporosis. Spinal fusion surgery leaves the patient with very little movement within the spine, which is why this tecnique is only used as a last resort.
Sciatica pain relief is possible for most without surgery or dangerous medications. All you need is to understand the proper techniques you can use at home alleviate your pain.