Proven Methods To Eradicate Bedbugs

Bedbugs are a huge nuisance to people and have been know as a parasite to humans for thousands of years. For quite some time people seem to be winning the battle against bed bugs. Regrettably bedbug numbers are on the rise, the little critters are back with a vengeance. Since the ban of DDT and the ease of travel, bedbugs are growing in numbers. So now everyone has to be vigilant about keeping bedbugs out of their homes, and in this article we’ll be discussing some tips to help keep them away.

There are several actions you could take which may make the bedbug situation worse. This is something you really don’t want to do – Panic! Whenever you find bedbugs in your house, it’s a natural urge to grab a can of insecticide and spray everything down. Don’t do this! Spraying bug sprays is a big but common mistake many people make. The sprays may actually cause the bedbugs to try and hide or worse scatter. Plus the chemicals in these products aren’t good for pets or small kids. Here’s another potential problem with trying to get rid of bedbugs using sprays and foggers. These products are not supposed to be used on mattresses, bedding, or clothing. Are there potential side effects? Do you really want to find out the hard way? Are you still planning on using a bedbug spray? If so be sure to read the directions on the can. Spray in cracks and other small spaces, where the little critters love to hide.

It is possible to repel bedbugs with certain natural substances. Lavender, typically used as an aromatherapy oil, is one such repellent. Most people enjoy the smell of lavender and therefore it is great for keeping bedbugs away. You can use a little when rinsing your clothes, and also when ironing. The easiest way is to put a little lavender oil into a spray bottle with water. Instead of using a concentrated essential oil directly on your skin, it is a good idea to use lavender based body lotions.

You cannot eliminate bedbugs with the strategies presented thus far, however they will help you prevent a serious infestation from occurring.

Don’t hesitate to call in a professional bedbug exterminator if you seem to be losing the battle to get rid of bed bugs. Keep in mind, there’s no shame in calling in the experts to help you get rid of bedbugs. Of course, this may be expensive, and there may be inconveniences, but in the long run isn’t it worth it to have the problem taken care of once and for all? A professional exterminator will not only know exactly how to go about killing your bedbugs, but he can advise you on how to prevent them from returning. If you are a renter, you will not be financially liable for the exterminator. Instead of calling an exterminator yourself, call your landlord and inform them about the problem. All of the apartments will need to be treated.

Due to the fact that bedbugs are so small, adaptable, and hardy, they are difficult bugs to eradicate. To get rid of them once and for all, you need to be careful with your habits and make a concerted effort. Although professional pest control services are available, you can use the tips presented to prevent infestations from occurring.

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