Prostate Health and You

One of the main causes of death for elderly men is cancer, and the most widespread cancer in men is easily prostate cancer. To tell the truth, no one is sure of the reasons for this, but one thing is for sure- there’s an obvious relationship between prostate cancer and aging.

Another widespread issue that is prostate-related is BPH. Men suffer significant hormonal changes as we get older, especially after the age of 35. enlargement known asBPH (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy) is perhaps the fastest growing health concern men face today. BPH is largely related to hormonal changes that occur with the aging process which relates to male hormone function (androgens). Severe BPH can cause obstruction of urinary function and possible kidney failure if not treated. BPH has been reported in over 90% of men over the age of 85, even though it uncommon prior to the age of thirty five.

So what can you do for your prostate health before it’s too late to do anything?

Have Annual Prostate Checkups. A once-a -year prostate checkup is strongly suggested for men over 50. But, if you experience any prostate discomforts or difficulties between your examinations, you should consult with your doctor as soon as possible. Doctors may or may not prescribe medications for an aging prostate.

Regular Exercise. A thirty-minute exercise program every day can support proper blood circulation. This helps to transport oxygen to your organs, promoting healthy function. Kegel exercise routines, especially, strategically increase muscle mass in the region around the prostate gland. Be sure to ask your doctor about these exercises, or check online at sites like this one.

Pay Attention to Your Diet Habits and Weight. Most medical professionals believe that diet plays a contributive part in the aging of the prostate gland. To safeguard prostate health, add more fruits, fresh vegetables and fiber in your diet. Cut back on intake of red meats and unhealthy fats. Research shows that prostate-related problems are generally more prevalent in men residing in North America, Australia and northwest Europe and those who follow a predominantly “western” diet. Some foods and herbs that support healthy prostate are soybeans, avocados, wheatgrass, saw palmetto and pumpkin seeds, which contain important nutrients like beta sitosterol.

As for your weight- Studies have shown that men that are obese should be more wary of prostate health than men who maintain a healthy weight. If you are at an unhealthy weight, give some thought to dropping some weight. Lose that extra weight-join a fitness center, purchase exercise Videos-whatever works for you!

Taking care of you prostate will benefit your quality of life in many different ways. As the saying goes, all for one, and one for all! Put simply, if a single part of your body isn’t working properly, it can affect the rest of your body negatively, but if one component of your body is working especially well, it positively has an effect on your entire life- how good your body feels, your love life, even your emotional and mental health (i.e. how you respond to stress).

Find out more about men’s health issues such as premature ejaculation. Try the best techniques to last longer in bed.

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