Preventing Stretch Marks during your Pregnancy

Being pregnant is an exciting event for women however the appearance of stretch marks or striae makes it negative. There is a great chance for a pregnant woman to develop stretch marks even if having stretch marks is not absolute for pregnant women.

The development and appearance of striae is generally caused by a sudden expansion or growth of the body during the time of pregnancy. Once the skin can no longer cope up with the rapid expansion or stretching, the skin breaks down and these unsightly marks appear like which are very similar to the run in your stockings.

Striae would most likely appear on the parts of your body that experience most stretching such as your abdomen, breasts, thighs, buttocks, hips, and sometimes even the arms. But if you are still early on your pregnancy there is still hope considering that there are ways to prevent stretch marks from appearing.

One of the many ways to prevent stretch marks is through the use of cocoa butter as lotion. Doing will prevent these marks from appearing because the cocoa butter increases the elasticity of the skin. To keep your skin elastic and properly moisturized, cocoa butte should be used more often than that of a regular lotion.

You can also prevent the appearance of these marks by taking an early morning shower everyday and a warm bath before you go to sleep at night. Doing these activities will open up your pores and increase your skin’s elastic capability too. You can do these shower regimens together with the application of cocoa butter for added moisture and to achieve better results.

Controlling you weight gain is also another way of preventing the appearance of the striae. Since rapid stretching causes the appearance of striae, try to lessen your food intake so as not to develop marks on the areas which are most likely to be affected.

Eating the right kind and right amount of food can also be another way of preventing the appearance of stretch marks. This is because observing a healthy diet will avoid rapid weight gain as well as keep your skin highly moisturized. You can also avoid these marks by massaging the straie-prone areas in your body. Massaging these parts using a wash cloth will be able to stimulate blood circulation and aid in the transfer of nutrients in your body. Moreover, you should keep yourself hydrated at all times by drinking a lot of water, to keep your skin moisturized.

If you notice that there is still the appearance of stretch marks even if you have performed the above suggestions, do not be disappointed or sad because you still gained other benefits. The straie that you have may not be as unsightly looking as the usual mark and it can be easily corrected and removed through the use of treatment creams and gels. Lastly, remember that the health of your child is the number priority during pregnancy and beauty is just second to that so keep yourself healthy for your baby.

Find out more about dermology stretch mark cream and best stretch mark cream review at her website.

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