Practical Tips On How To Maintain A Beard

Men having beards are described either to be rugged or hermit depending on how they maintain their facial hair. Men who do not properly maintain their beards through trimming causes them to look more like of a hermit rather than rugged because of the uncontrolled beard growth. Thus, it is important for men to regularly trim their beards with the use of the different trimming tools that are available in the market like the Braun beard trimmer. To achieve a neatly done beard it is also important that men be equipped with the information about the proper way and the ideal tool to use.

Beard growth has always interested men. But how does one grow a beard? It is during puberty when beard develops. It is linked to stimulation of hair follicles in the area by dihydrotestosterone-an androgen or male sex hormone-which continues to affect beard growth after puberty. The beard is also the fastest growing hair on a man’s body-it would take men about four to five weeks to grow a full beard. Nevertheless, this amount of time may vary as the levels of dihydrotestosterone, which is produced from testosterone, vary with season; hence, beard growth is often faster in summer.

Through the years the growing of beard of men has gained its popularity. For other cultures men having beards is considered as a matter of pride while in the other communities it is referred to as a social stigma. Growing a beard is practiced during the time biblical times, where in it was done to show respect to God. Other countries such as Egypt also value the growth of beard because it is a sign of sovereignty. Indian people on the other hand considered having a beard as a symbol of dignity and wisdom, while during the Ancient Greece, Greeks viewed beard as a sign of virility. Fast forward to today, beard nowadays is considered as a fashion trend that includes number of beard trimming styles as well as tools like the Braun beard trimmers.

So how does one trim and style a beard? Firstly, men looking to trim their beard should choose the method on how to trim their beard-through shaving, trimming, waxing, or clipping. Then, before getting the beard trimmed, the beard should be cleaned first by rinsing it with water and applying shampoo and other beard hair care products. Then, make sure to have it dried first before trimming to avoid it from shrinking if trimmed wet-beards seem longer when wet. Then, using the method selected on how to trim the beard, it should then be trimmed and styled on the best style that would befit the individual’s personality. Various beard styles can be selected but men must make sure that the style would not only complement their personality but also would feel comfortable.

There are a number of tools, as aforementioned, men may choose from to trim their beards. Some men opt to trim their beards with scissors which are an excellent way to get a very accurate beard trim. If this option is to be selected, then the type of scissor that should be used is a barber’s scissors which allow a close trim. Other men who dislike scissor often use beard trimmers as they feature settings that help men easily control their beard’s length. A number of beard trimmers are now available in the market and notable brands are Phillips beard trimmers and Braun beard trimmers. Other tools necessary in beard trimming are a mirror and a comb.

A growth of beard has been part of our cultures since the biblical times and has been regarded in various ways-as a form of respect to God to a social stigma to a fashion trend. Regardless of these regards for beard growing, men who wish to grow their beard must make sure to follow grooming techniques and use beard trimming tools such as Braun beard trimmers to ensure a well-groomed, symmetrical, and nicely shaped beard.

The author is a teacher of History at a university in Germany. He sports a growth of beard which he makes sure is always appropriately trimmed using his Braun Bartschneider (a brand of beard trimmer).

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