Plan To Win. Don’t Plan Fail

It is a known fact, that if you don’t plan to win, you are planning to fail.

How many bright, and perhaps brilliant people who were brimming with ideas, but regrettably their ideas never got off the ground? Are you one of those people?

Winning, without doubt, doesn’t just “happen.” You must have a plan to win to follow on your idea. These truths have been repeated time and time again by the Self Improvement Movement. But few people have really ever decided to sit down and make a serious plan of action. Are you the sort of person who just meanders through your existence and lets things happen hapharzardly to you all the time? That is certainly the road to failure, or to the mediocre life that most human beings on the planet tend to live.

The power of being “in the moment is not excluded here but it also should include a plan to win. Would it ever occur to you, to board a plane not knowing the destination? You certainly wouldn’t, yet, that is exactly what the ordinary person tends to do with his life. This idea of the airplane seems ludicrous, but why don’t people realize the metaphor with their own lives?

Find the initiative to write down your goal, and then work out a plan as to how you can achieve it and you will be up and running. You now have a guide for your travels in life. It is not indispensable, either, to have a perfect plan. Indeed, it would be strange if it was perfect, but it will give you a starting point. Now having a clear destination, having set your goal, made your plan (chopped down into tiny steps) you can merely follow your plan. It’s that easy! Just as you follow the map or your satellite guidance system. Nothing could be simpler!

This will tend to relieve you of the worry of always feeling that your final goal is not attainable. The attaining of your goal, has now been neatly divided into many manageable steps. If you merely think of the final objective, it is often easy to get completely overwhelmed.

This brings to my memory a young friend who had just finished high school and was starting out on a long and arduous five year science degree. She was completely and utterly shattered, the day she was given her program and when she saw all the difficult exams she had to do.

I said, “It is critical that you stop counting and recounting those exams. Focus on only doing the first exam. When you pass that, then, and only then, focus on the next one.” She immediately felt better when I said that. Her discipline of focusing on one exam at a time was remarkable. She graduated with honours and on her graduation day, I was touched when she whispered. “I did it. One exam at a time!”

I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t concede that I had often glanced at the program afterwards, and became worried about the enormity of the task that was facing her. I suppose because she was young and she valued my opinion, she took my advice to heart. Her discipline and focus was certainly a lesson to me. This really highlighted for me the fact that doing things rather than just knowing things, is important.

This underlines the other indispensable factor if you plan to win. The fact that you must just begin and start doing it. The lack of a definite, clear-cut plan, blocks you from taking any action. Another element that certainly blocks your action is that if your plan is not chopped up into doable bits.

You will most likely find, that the plan you eventually follow will be different from the original one. This is usually the rule. You must leave flexibility in your plan to win work properly. Better things often pop up, and if you are too stuck on your original plane, the Universe is not able to come in and help. The Universe, in my experience, is only too willing to give you a hand. So, go for your plan and be flexible. You wont be disappointed!

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