On Being Grouchy

Grouchiness or irritability as it may be called, is often expected of elderly people. They apparently become self-centered and object to any changes in routine or their lives. The antics of younger more active people (especially children) just rub them the wrong way.

Many people don’t want to grow old to turn into their father or mother. And some even notice they are becoming more irritable as they start to move into middle age. Even though they would like to change that attitude, it’s easier said than done.

Look it up on the internet sometime. The myriad of causes and cures for irritability is mind boggling. Enough to make you grouchy! It is classified as a psychiatric disease, or as a symptom of all kinds of physical diseases. And some people just figure that’s how it is when you get old.

Psychiatrists want you to believe it’s all in your mind. Then they give you drugs, which have such awful side effects that the cure becomes worse than the disease. Psychiatrists and drug companies benefit though – they make a lot of money.

Other cures for grouchiness might do a bit of good if you can do them. Keep your mind on the positive. Think good thoughts. Get lots of exercise. Reconnect with your divine essence. Get more sleep. There are many more remedies.

But there actually are some physical conditions that do cause a lowering of mood. As a person ages, the level of neurotransmitter serotonin dwindles in the brain. It can lead to a “grouchy old man” (or woman).

Neurotransmitter serotonin is a chemical produced by the body, which regulates mood, and a lack of this chemical makes one feel gloomy and cause other symptoms attributed to chronic fatigue syndrome. It also is associated with pain, and a lack of serotonin increases perception of pain. St. John’s Wort, SAMe, and 5-HIP are all natural supplements that boost serotonin.

Emotions are also tied to what you eat. Refined foods, foods high in saturated fats have been proven to increase irritability and pain. Conversely, slow-burning carbohydrates (fiber) alleviate pain and elevate mood. Sometimes food allergies begin later in life, and eating the food you are allergic to (even when you don’t know it) sets the body up for more pain, and the mind for a gloomy outlook.

A doctor trained in natural medicine can determine allergies and also test for serotonin levels and prescribe a natural remedy. Get help, not side effects. You can be the cheerful person you were when you were 23.

You enjoy your life more when you feel better! Have the energy and vitality that you had in your 20’s and 30’s. Find out more – go to Angel Longevity Medical Center. Find out more about Chronic Fatigue and Anti-Aging

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