Obsession With Losing Weight – Vital Things You Should Definitely Know

In this day and age where societal pressure has put a premium on looking good, losing weight has become somewhat of a national obsession. The pace in which the fitness industry is churning out products for the consumption of the general public to aid them in their weight loss goals should tell you something. From fitness equipment to diet programs to weight loss pills, they have just had covered all the bases where shedding the excess pounds is concerned.

Keeping fit is always a commendable, but when it has become an obsession, you have to heed the danger signs. This problem is shared by many women. Clear signals that tell you that you’re going into overdrive with weight loss include eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors. More often than not, these problems occur even when the individual has no body fat whatsoever.

Those who desire to be thin (not necessarily fit, mind you) commonly experience these three eating disorders: Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating.

A distorted body image– when they think they are fat when they are thin– is a common thread among anorexia sufferers. They are afraid of putting on the extra pounds that they restrict what they eat, even to the point of hunger.

Bulimia sufferers, on the other hand, also do not want any form of weight gain. However, they allow themselves to eat anything they like but purge themselves afterwards so they don’t put on the fat. They either vomit or take diuretics or laxatives to get rid of all that they had ingested. Binge-Eaters like food and eat lots of it, often when no one is watching because they feel embarrassed and guilty of eating way too much. While they often feel disgusted at themselves, they don’t vomit what they have eaten afterwards.

Behaviors that are not as severe as those mentioned above but only take a little life problem to become a full-blown eating disorder are categorized as disordered eating behaviors. When you try every new diet that comes along, get depressed at missing a day of exercise or self-induce vomiting at times to force out food, then you could be suffering from disordered eating.

When you are constantly obsessed about dieting and weight loss, when you continuously believe you are fat even when everyone else around you tells you otherwise, when you avoid eating food or shift it around your plate to make it look like you’re eating, when you do not anymore menstruate for three months or more consecutively because of a very restrictive diet or when you fear eating around other people, be concerned. This could signal that you are too obsessed with losing weight. This is not healthy. Be honest enough with yourself to admit that you are dancing a deadly tango with food and exercise if you don’t address your problem soon.

Get help right away even if your eating disorder is not yet full-blown. From support groups to psychological counseling to treatment centers and hospitalization, the treatment options are varied. It’s not going to be a smooth ride but complete recovery is very possible for as long as you seek help.

Are you searching for a good workout program? Check out Brazil Butt Lift, it’s a really good program. Lastly, don’t forget to look at our Brazil Butt Lift review.

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