Now You’re Almost Up to Speed to Start Studying Those You Want to Influence

In yesterday’s article I talked about the different thinking patterns that we each use. By this time in the development of your learning about NLP techniques you ought to have a clear notion of your own most typical thinking pattern. If you’ve not yet done this you must finish reading now and do the homework suggested in the last article. You may never be well placed to understand other people’s thinking patterns if you cannot understand your own.

Now you are required to start studying other people’s thinking patterns. Most particularly you are required to pay attention to the thinking patterns utilised by those whom you most wish to influence.

This is a matter of closely observing and listening intently. You want to sharpen your listening skills so that you can clearly hear the variations between someone that employs a visual thinking pattern and someone who uses a feeling thinking pattern.

It helps to observe the body language of the different sorts of people. They can often give you behavioural clues by the body language that they have got a tendency to use.

For example someone that is Auditory may tend to lean towards you with one ear cocked so as to hear better, or she may cup her hand behind her ear.

Someone that is Visual may stare at you very intently when listening, or she may draw mind maps to help herself to comprehend your meaning.

A Feeling person may smile a lot or encourage you to express your feelings warmly. They might also gesticulate emotionally when speaking.

Once you’ve noticed some body language clues about another person’s thinking pattern listen far more closely for other verbal clues until you feel absolutely certain you have them pigeonholed.

Today you need to study two colleagues whom you wish to influence and pigeonhole them. In the article that comes next I will show you how to do this.

As an NLP Practitioner my mission is, “to enable you to make changes in your thinking, your feelings and your behaviour that will make your performance excellent both at work and in your personal life”. I get results for the employees of major corporations like Dell, Yves St.Laurent, J&J, RBI, GM and P&O through business coaching using NLP Techniques.

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