Non-Medical Teeth Whiteners

Having yellowish teeth is embarrassing, especially if your job requires you to speak with people on a daily basis. On top of that, your lifestyle can also stain your pearly whites especially if you are a big smoker.

Now there are lots of different remedies on the market that make big guarantees that they will return your pure smile. The big issue with these is that they are always really expensive. The cheap and easy answer is that you can make your own teeth whitening product at home.

It’s not as hard as it sounds. You can mix baking soda with hydrogen peroxide to make your own toothpaste. This alone can brighten your teeth in a month. Not only that, but it’s cheap and widely available.

Another highly effective teeth whitener is an orange peel. Rub the inside of the peel to your teeth five minutes before brushing three times daily. Citrus fruits are known for their bleaching and cleaning properties not just for household items but also for your pearly whites.

Another interesting technique is to apply a mixture of lemon juice and salt to your stains five minutes before brushing. This can remove any stains or discolorations on your teeth within a week or two.

It isn’t that hard to find things around the house that can help you remove stains from your smile and they will save you from breaking the bank too. You just have to experiment and mix it up.

Obviously with anything related to teeth care, you should consult with your dentist before trying anything. You don’t want to unintentionally affect your teeth negatively.

You now have some of the most successful methods for achieving naturally white teeth that can be done in your own house. Each one is easy to make and not that expensive, so no need to hide that stained smile anymore.

This author has been providing advice pertaining to teeth for the last three years. In addition, this writer takes pleasure in publishing articles on more things, such as an Avanti wine cooler as well as a Danby wine cooler.

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