Natural Cure For Herpes – Its Efficacy and Benefits

What I’m about to share with you could get you upset, angry and could make you just feel like slamming stuff on the floor but what I will be sharing is the truth and if you take a minute to really think about what I’m sharing with you then you will begin to see the reality of it.

When seeking the truth about the disease known as herpes, one must recognize what is real and what is hearsay. It’s no secret, much of medicine is based on nothing more than hypotheses and or theories and by curing diseases thought to be viral with the use of fungicides proves my point. It’s a common misunderstanding or belief that doctors actually visually see the virus known as herpes but doctors never see it. The lab technicians who test blood or cultures for herpes never ever see any viruses. Test only show indications of a viruses supposedly being present and because no one ever sees the actual virus that makes it hearsay. We can see pictures of a what is supposedly a HSV virus on the internet but we do not know if it is a picture of fungi, bacteria or fictional photo shop art. There is no tangible evidence that HSV is a virus and now you have access to evidence that will prove to anyone suffering from herpes that HSV is actually a fungus.

People often find the use of over-the-counter fungicides such as jock itch and athlete’s foot sprays and ointments extremely effective for treating actual outbreaks. These topical products will not cure herpes but they often offer much more relief than the antivirals prescribed by medicine today.

Pharmaceutical companies, if they sell you a cure, will lose billions of dollars and ultimately put themselves out of business. Think about that for a minute, would any company really want to sell something that will put themselves out of business? Because if they begin revealing cures than that is exactly what they will be doing because then they won’t make any money on the drugs they sell because 95% of the drugs you buy are preventative or management type of drugs, right? When was the last time you heard the media reveal a cure for anything? They never do, and it is up to the small organizations and doctors to begin sharing the positive results people have had when searching for a herpes cure.

It personally hurts me to know that we possibly could have a cure for many things yet it is not advertised and it keeps people suffering. Everything I am telling you is the truth and when you think about it, you will soon realize how blind a lot of us humans have been to the real economy around us. Greed is what these large pharmaceutical companies revolve around. Doctors are only instructed as to what they should tell you, there are few doctors out there that actually research on their own to help people.

Using drugs to cure disease is not your only option or the wisest one. You have an immune system designed to cure diseases as well. Your immune system can be extremely effective at eliminating and curing systemic fungus. The medical industry completely ignores the human immune system and its capabilities. Western medicine is not the only medicine ignoring immunity, alternative medicine is just as guilty despite all the alternative and natural hype that would suggest otherwise. To cure fungus through your own immune system you must understand that you are intended to control your immune system like you control most aspects of your life. If you wish to drive a car, you control your muscle responses and your mental actions. The immune system is controlled in much the same way.

So, Is there a cure for herpes? We believe so, and you can start off by visiting our website to get your Free report about which foods can help fight the virus and which foods can cause herpes outbreaks. Visit us at genital herpes cure to get your hands on this free information. You will also be guided to a resource on how to get rid of the visibility of herpes within 72 hours

Learn more about cure herpes. Stop by David Flowers’s site where you can find out all about keyword #2 and what it can do for you.

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