Mosman Personal Training: The Benefits of Group Personal Training and Bootcamps

I get very frustrated on my visits to my local gyms. As a highly qualified personal trainer it frustrates me that I cannot help more people get in truly amazing shape. People these days are making so many fundamental errors. Form, technique, work rate and effort are all notable factors for a poor workout. With so many people out of shape, I have offered my services to many and some have taken them up to loose loads of weight and transform, their lives. However, the majority keep wasting an hour a day at the gym, probably doing more damage to their bodies by being there exercising the way they are.

Monotonous CV work will reduce your lean mass, reducing your metabolism significantly, making you far more likely to put on weight if the exercise ever stopped. Muscle is beneficial tissue that boosts metabolism, with recent research showing that an extra 1pound of muscle tissue accumulates to 50 kcal more on your basal metabolic rate. So theoretically by gaining 1 lbs of muscle you will be able to eat an extra 50 kcal per day.

In gyms, I see massive mistakes being made by 95% of the visitors. Let’s face it all the staff at these places want to do is finish work, they don’t really care about getting you into amazing, head turning shape. This is evident for most of their body language and the distinct lack of interest they take in you as individuals.

In addition, this workout program not only will tone your body like all the Hollywood celebrities but it will build your self-esteem and self-confidence. This is one of the greatest rewards you will benefit from when you’ve lost the weight you have always wanted lose. You will feel a sense of accomplishment once you have started making progress and ultimately when you achieve your goal. Do you have low energy? Change all that! Boot camps can help you to boost your metabolism and energy levels so you will feel better throughout your whole day and lead a much more productive, happy, and healthy life.

Your body will be grateful, you’ll have the opportunity to make new friends and having an expert train you is sure to get you body results. Many gyms do not have the greatest facilities in terms of health and fitness, but this should not restrict you for settling for anything other than a healthy, fit and toned body.

Learn more about Mosman Personal Training and about getting great fitness help.

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