More About Facelifts

When considering a facelift, patients have many questions. There is a lot of information available, unfortunately some is advertising and not actual fact. Determining the procedure needed as well as the answers to questions, a consultation with a facial plastic surgeon is always needed before deciding to proceed with any cosmetic surgical procedure.

Is a facelift painful? While everyone’s pain tolerances are different, a facelift is generally not painful. Most people will use some narcotic pain medication for one to two days after the surgery and then rely on less strong pain medication, or sometimes take a sleeping pill or stronger pain medication just before bed. Most patients are surprised at how comfortable the recovery period after a facelift is.

How long will the results last? It is impossible to tell how long the results of any plastic surgery procedure will last. Patients are warned that if someone guarantees how long a procedure will last, they are likely making a promise that can not be kept. To the same extent that you can not predict what you will look like in ten years without undergoing surgery, you can not tell what you will look like in ten years after undergoing surgery. A good rule of thumb though is the more invasive the procedure, the longer the results will last.

What anesthesia is necessary for a facelift? The type of anesthesia necessary for a facelift is dependent on the technique performed, surgeon and patient preference, and if additional procedures are undertaken. Some facelift procedures can be undertaken with local anesthesia only where the patient is awake during the surgery while others require general anesthesia. In addition, just because a procedure can be done with local anesthesia doesn’t mean that it should be done that way. Everyone has a different pain threshold and sometimes a moderate sedation is a better idea than local anesthesia alone.

Does a facelift really take just an hour? While some facelift techniques can be performed in an hour, don’t pick a procedure based solely on the time of the procedure. A good surgeon will not compromise results to stay within a certain time frame. In fact, the small techniques performed during facelift to ensure long term imperceptible scars are worth the little extra time during surgery to ensure long term great results.

Dr. Verret is a facial plastic surgeon in the Dallas-Fort Worth Area. For more information about facelift surgeon Dallas or facelift surgeon Dallas visit Dr. Verret at

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