mononucleosis symptom

Mononucleosis also known as a “kissing disease” is a fairly serious illness, however in the overwhelming majority of cases it is not life threatening. The nickname is easily explained by the fact that mononucleosis is a viral infection spread by saliva or/and any kind of close contact between people. The disease is usually spread by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and can affect both males and females of any age. Teenagers, however, are at higher risk of getting mononucleosis than other age groups.

A natural solution for treatment mononucleosis would be to use salt water to gargle with. If you have a severe sore throat try sucking on ice, drinking tea with honey in it, and frozen fruit bars and Popsicles might help to relieve some of the soreness during treatment mononucleosis. Another aid with the sore throat would be to place small amounts of apple cider vinegar in warm water to help the sore throat.

The confusing factor about the disease is the nature of the symptoms of mononucleosis that very much resemble those of a common flu. During the first few days the symptoms of mononucleosis will include persistent fatigue, severe headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, fever and muscle pains. In the beginning most people would be sure they are dealing with a flu. However, if those conditions persist for more than ten days, one is likely to be facing the symptoms of mononucleosis.

Regular check-ups can also be effective in the treatment for mono kissing disease. Early detection of the virus allows faster treatment for mono kissing disease. It is also, helpful in ensuring good health. Mononucleosis can be detected in the bloodstream. Proper testing is important to determining wether you have developed the virus or not.

The kissing disease mono can be prevented by getting a vaccination. Once you have been given the vaccination you will develop a resistance making it next to impossible to get a bout of it. Another sure way not to get the very infectious disease is to avoid undo contact while the disease is active.

When a person has mononucleosis there is danger of the spleen rupturing. This is because the spleen enlarges due to the illness. It is for this reason that it is highly recommended that people with mononucleosis not engage in any activity such as a contact sport that could raise the possibility of the spleen being injured. The time period to remain free of any strenuous exercise is customarily one month.

Want to learn more on mono the kissing disease, then check out our website and read more about Countdown to Flu 2010: Flu vs. Mononucleosis.

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