Mono Kissing Disease

Mononucleosis is a viral infection that is caused by either the Epstein-Barr virus or cytomegalovirus. Many individuals are exposed to the virus-causing agent while young yet display little to no indication of infection. The disease causes signs of intense, prolonged fatigue, fever, sore throat, weight loss, and lymphodema and is commonly found to affect adolescents and young adults. Incubation and length of symptoms can be as long as several months. Treatment of mononucleosis, therefore, will be a prolonged affair but the effects of the disease can be mollified. Also known as the “kissing disease”, mononucleosis can be treated naturally to combat the symptoms. Treatment of mononucleosis can be done in the comfort of the home, without medication.

One cannot relieve a symptom of mononucleosis with any particular treatment a doctor can give. As a matter of fact, a symptom of mononucleosis will go away on its own. It sometimes takes as short a time period as a couple of weeks, but sometimes these symptoms can persist for months. Sufferers of the illness just have to wait for each symptom of mononucleosis to go away on its own.

The number one suggested home remedy for the treatment of mononucleosis is bed rest. Since the body is fighting a viral infection, full attention of the body’s defense systems should be concentrated on fighting off foreign species. For the same reason, the affected should not participate in intense physical activity. Strenuous exercise could also lead to the rupturing of the spleen which should be avoided at all costs.

If not treated with antibiotics, the mononucleosis symptom most often associated with mononucleosis, bodily fatigue, will invade other bodily functions and could even cause death. The disease known as mononucleosis is an attack by a herpes virus. The invading organism attacks red blood cells. As more and more red blood cells are attacked, the body makes more white blood cells to fight the invading virus.

The symptoms of mono the kissing disease start off by with the average signs of being ill. Most of the time you can expect a sore throat, a headache, and just a tired weak feeling. Your tonsils will more than likely start to swell up and turn a white color. Your lymph nodes on your neck will swell up. You can just touch the outside of your lymph nodes on your neck to generally know if they are swollen up or not. If you have these symptoms you should make sure to go to a doctor. You may not have mono the kissing disease. You should never diagnose yourself through what you think you know. Always visit a doctor.

People have used natural coconut oil (liquid or soft gel pill) and natural vitamins to assist on recovery in treatment mononucleosis. Ask your physician what he can recommend in your treatment mononucleosis.
Get help for good recovery.

Learn more about mononucleosis contagious – Mononucleosis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. Stop by our website where you can find out all about Infectious Mononucleosis diagnosis.

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