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Medicare is partially paid for by taxes. If you are an employee, you have 1.45% of you’re check is taken out for Medicare, and the company matches that percentage for a total of 2.9%. If you are self-employed, you are responsible for the entire 2.9%. People who are 65 years of age and been a legal resident of the U.S. for 5 years are eligible for coverage. Need Prices and rates for Medicare Supplements.

Medicare is a benefit to Americans who are eligible for such. A lot of countries do not offer such benefits. This leads me to my point and frustration with people who do not appreciate being an American. People that have never lived or been to another country do not know or understand how good us Americans truly have it. These are the people who are just truly ungrateful for what we have. Find Prices and rates for Medicare Supplements.

Burma, which is now called Myanmar, is a place where you would never want to go. With very brutal police forces and unjust governments, Myanmar is no tourist destination. There are many countries across the globe that in comparison with the United States are 3rd world countries. Benefits, including unemployment benefits, Medicare, and so on are one of the glories of living in the United States.

The United States has a severe illegal immigration problem. Mexican citizens have tried to escape to the US for a long time. Many are successful and the United States is filled with illegal residents who are simply looking for a better life. The militia in Juarez drives many people from their home land into the United States. However, many people that do escape the rough parts of Mexico do end up becoming legal citizens of the US, Spanish-Americans, and able to live and work and raise their families and become a productive member of society.

However there are pros and cons of illegal immigration. Statistics show that the US government received over $300 million in taxes from illegal residents. This day in age, where everything revolves around money, this is a positive thing for the US. Also these illegal aliens come and accept work working for very low wages This can benefit many companies.

One major con is the crime created by illegal immigrants. Many people and families have been killed by drunk drivers who were not even supposed to be in the country. They also take jobs away from Americans. The fact that they will work for half of what an American will hurts the American but benefits the illegal resident and the company.

Unemployment benefits, Medicare, free counseling for people who struggle with addiction, and freedom period makes the United States, the land of the free and the home of the brave, a desirable country to live in. The United States is a front runner of economic as well as military power. It is also a land of entertainment, that way more than any other country in the world.

Therefore, if you are an American citizen and think you have it bad, try moving to Juarez, Mexico. Try moving to Myanmar. Appreciate the benefits we have here in America such as Medicare for senior citizens, unemployment for the unemployed , etc. You should appreciate the military protection that it offers. Some countries the military turns on its own people! Appreciate being an American, and be proud to be an American.

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