Managing Meniere’s Disease Symptoms

Meniere’s disease is an obscure condition that impacts the inner ear. According to WolframAlpha, 1 out of every 2670 United States citizens suffer from Meniere’s disease. The symptoms include tinnitus, loss of balance, hearing loss, and fluctuating pressure in the inner ear. More critical symptoms include vertigo attacks and nausea. In its least severe situations, Meniere’s disease is a minor annoyance. At its most severe, it is completely debilitating.

Meniere’s disease is neither well known nor fully understood. When somebody first suffers from its symptoms, they are often puzzled and credit the symptoms to something else. Meniere’s disease cannot be self-diagnosed. It needs a skilled physician to execute a series of very specific examinations. As the symptoms of Meniere’s disease imitate the symptoms of other ear conditions, one needs to obtain the aid of a doctor in getting correctly diagnosed.

When struck with the symptoms of Meniere’s disease for the very first time, you can be surprised at what is going on with your body. If you have never suffered from a complete loss of equilibrium, it is a strange and disconcerting situation that you don’t understand because you may not have anything to compare it to. To make matters worse, these symptoms can come and go without any forewarning and can linger for hours at a time.

Often conventional physicians are puzzled as to what to do to help you out. They may prescribe steroids and antihistamines. These may possibly or may not help. A patient is sometimes given the poor option of “just live with it.” The difficulty of just living with it is that you can be quite miserable struggling with those symptoms. Worse, if unmanaged, Meniere’s may progress from one ear to the second (called bilateral Meniere’s disease).

The good news is that there are things that you can undertake to decrease the severity and frequency of Meniere’s disease attacks. These include managing your stress, reducing your sodium intake and taking specific supplements.

The insidious thing about stress is that it can slowly and gradually build up without you recognizing it. Stress management is crucial to one’s search for optimum health. Stress reduction can come by such fundamental things as meditation, yoga, and aerobic exercise.

A low sodium-diet is frequently prescribed by doctors to help you manage the symptoms of Meniere’s disease. This is something that has produced varying outcomes with Meniere’s patients. Since a low-sodium diet has other health benefits, you should give it a try.

Vitamins and Nutrients are essential for optimal health and maintaining the various systems in your body. Your ears are not exempt. Your inner ear requires antioxidants like glutathione and minerals like zinc for proper function. Anything that helps your body’s circulation can help your ears. There are various vitamins and supplements that will help improve your circulation.

Meniere’s disease can be difficult to figure out as a remedy that works quite well for one may not work so well for another. Always consult with your physician before starting a new health care strategy.

Learn more about Meniere’s Disease. Stop by the site where you can find out about managing your Meniere’s disease symptoms.

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