Male Pheromones

Human pheromones are chemicals that are produced in the skin that are released into the air and are capable of being sensed by other people. Some of these chemicals, when sensed by a person of the opposite sex, can create a sexual attraction to the person giving off the pheromones.

Humans are not always noticeable and are highly individualized. A biologist and behavioral endocrinologist, Dr. Winifred Cutler co- discovered pheromones in our underarms in 1986. She found that when you don’t have overbearing underarm sweat, the pheromones is what remained. And that it was odorless. In the ’70’s, she discovered that when women had regular sex with men, their menstrual cycles were more regular. And women who had sex sporadically, had less of a menstrual cycle. When you have regular sex, that delays the decline of estrogen which in turn, made women more fertile. So now Dr. Cutler’s research team was looking for what the mind provided in this equation. And in 1986, they knew it was pheromones.

It is time to begin enjoying life, whether you are married or not, by spraying yourself with the scientifically proven best pheromones available. No more Saturday nights alone. When you enter a party, the best looking females will be attracted to you. At least now you will know why this is occurring. With just a couple of blasts of the best pheromones available online, you will have too much attention, if that is possible.

The drive to make effective contact with the opposite sex is inherent in all humans, and pheromones accentuate this natural tendency. Pheromones will add pizzazz to one’s social life. But the best pheromones don’t change anything they merely enhance what’s already there. Socializing becomes easier. If there is attraction, they can build on it. But people expect so much more than is possible with pheromones. And those high expectations sometimes cause people to give up on pheromones, because they miss the point on what they can really do.

Male pheromones will help you be the kind of person you want to be. Your self confidence will soar. You’ll notice that women start to pay more attention to you and will flirt with you. What is even more amazing is that you may not need to do all the work anymore. Women may initiate dates, give you their phone numbers, and in general want to talk to you and be around you.

If you want to give this male pheromones thing a try, Ice Breaker Cologne is an excellent choice. It is a specially formulated blend of male pheromones that is designed to give great results. Give the stuff about three weeks and see how well it really does work! Your life will not be the same again.

Want to learn more information on Wondering What Are Pheromones?, then visit our site and learn more about Can’t Get Laid? It’s Not You, It’s The Pheromones!.

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