Lowering Hypertension Through Herbal Diuretics

Regardless of race, age, or gender, anybody can develop high blood pressure. It’s estimated that 1 in every single four American adults has high blood pressure. But only about half of those that have it know they have it. Once high blood pressure develops, it normally lasts a lifetime. You can stop and control high blood pressure by taking action. Accumulation of excess fluids in the body, or water retention, can lead to high blood pressure. Often, sodium consumed through diet remains to be the major cause of fluid retention, also referred to as edema. Let’s find out about some natural diuretics for high blood pressure and their healing mechanism.

Lemon: Along with vitamin C, lemon is also enriched with vitamin P or otherwise known as bioflavonoids, which are good for circulatory health. Lemon tea benefits include obstruction of capillaries from getting brittle.

Indian gooseberry: A tablespoon of honey and fresh indian gooseberry juice blend in the morning is also advised to lower blood pressure.

Parsley: Parsley, one among the best herbal diuretics for high blood pressure, is enriched with potassium. It stocks potassium quantity in the body. It is also believed that, parsley works best if consumed as tea.

Watermelon: Watermelon, believed to be a shielding agent against high blood pressure, expands blood vessels, thus lowering blood pressure.

In contrast to synthetic diuretics, these excrete excess amount of salt and water through urine, which in turn, lowers blood pressure. It also soothes blood vessels and thus helps to reduce blood pressure.

Prescription diuretics and over the counter diuretics for high blood pressure is the most popular way of curing high blood pressure in the UK and the US. Consult your doctor for diuretic brands available in pharmacy.

Watermelon: Watermelon, believed to be a shielding agent against high blood pressure, expands blood vessels, thus lowering blood pressure.

In contrast to synthetic diuretics, these excrete excess amount of salt and water through urine, which in turn, lowers blood pressure. It also soothes blood vessels and thus helps to reduce blood pressure.

Prescription diuretics and over the counter diuretics for high blood pressure is the most popular way of curing high blood pressure in the UK and the US. Consult your doctor for diuretic brands available in pharmacy.

Learn more about hypertension.

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