Little Known Ways To Control High Blood Pressure

Heart disease has been for many years, the leading cause of death in the world. But are you aware behind this is high blood pressure or HBP, which has been referred to as the silent killer? This is a serious condition which can damage blood vessels and increase the risk of a person developing coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke and kidney failure. Suffice to say if you want to live longer, then you have to be able to recognize first the signs of HBP. A blood pressure reading of 140/90 or higher is a sign you have HBP and that it is time to find some remedy.

One of the most potent means to do this is to modify your lifestyle. Just like treating any disease, a healthy diet is imperative. Your meals should include more fruits and vegetables and less fatty foods. Also be aware of the foods you should do away with. One of your worst enemies on the table is salt and sodium, so lessen your intake of foods with a high content of salt.

Another way to lower HBP is to lose weight if you are overweight. It is common knowledge there is an increase in blood pressure with the increase of one’s weight. This can be done by controlling the amount of food you eat with special attention to foods that are high in calories. If you were prescribed with blood pressure medicine by your doctor, then take it according to the recommended dose. You can also seek a second opinion if you are not so comfortable taking medication for HBP.

But should you get the same recommendation, then take it. It is also noteworthy that even with this medication, you still have to be conscious with your habits. Aside from the healthy diet, you should be physically active. Exercise is a key factor in preventing HBP. Look for an exercise that suits your preference and that you will enjoy so you won’t have difficulty motivating yourself.

It is also good advice to quit smoking and lessen alcohol intake. This does not only apply to those at risk of HBP but to anybody who wishes to live a healthier life. While it is true that about 1 out of 3 American adults have HBP, it does not follow that it is okay to suffer from it as well.

Take the prescribed high blood pressure medication if necessary, and modify your lifestyle accordingly. This does not really look simple but if you don’t try it now, you might never get another chance to find out. Work on improving your health because you owe it to yourself and to those you love.

Right after his parents succumb due to heart stroke, this author decided to pursue a degree in Medicine and become a specialist on heart ailments. He said that blood pressure medicine may only be made successful when the same is coupled with balanced lifestyle.

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