Learn How To Build Muscle

The question has been asked by everyone new to the gym and that is how to build muscle. There has been a ton of research done over the past century and now I can safely say that in order to build muscle all you need to do is meet three simple criteria. During this article I will cover the three main components that will help you to build muscle.

The first area in how to build muscle is exercise which is not a huge shocker. What is important to realize is your body quickly adapts to changes so it is essential by changing elements of your workout in order to achieve your goals. This does not mean changing exercises every time that you hit the gym but you do need to increase the resistance on a consistent basis. Even a small change like adding five pounds to each exercise will go along way to meet your goal of building muscle. If you always use the same exercises at the same weight your body has no reason to adapt by building muscle

The second main area that we need to look at in terms of building muscle is diet. At the end of the day this is the most important area and will make the difference on muscle growth. Protein is your best friend when it comes to building muscle so you need to make sure that you are getting enough each day and which is why bodybuilders count on protein supplements to ensure they are getting enough. If your diet is going from a ton of processed foods and unhealthy fat it is going to reflect in your overall appearance. By making sure you are getting enough nutrients from clean food and a healthy dose of protein will go a long way to building muscle.

The third area in how to build muscle is rest. Your body does not grow bigger with every bench press or hammer curl but when you are lying in your bed. Your body needs enough time to recover and rebuild between workouts in order to build muscle. If you are attending the gym multiple times a week and always hit the same exercises you are at a great risk of over training. If you are brand new to working out then a three time a week full body routine will be sufficient to get you started but if you have been hitting the gym for a while it may be time to hit the gym four times a week doing the upper body on one day and the lower body on the second day. By doing this you are hitting your muscles twice per week and ensuring that you get enough rest.

In order to build muscle we need to ensure that all areas are met. It is essential that your workouts continue to add resistance, provide your body with the right fuel and making sure you are getting enough rest you will build muscle.

Looking to find more info on how to build muscle, then visit www.yoursite.com to find the best advice on exercise equipment for you.

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