Kissing Disease Mono

The most commonly reported effect or a mononucleosis symptom of being attacked by the herpes virus that causes mononucleosis is overwhelming lethargy. The infected person feels and acts much like someone who is suffering from depression. Mental fatigue coupled with the real physical inability to exert oneself is a mononucleosis symptom. The ill person will lie in bed for days. If not treated that mononucleosis symptom will attack other organs in the body which causes further complications of the system.

People can ease the symptom of mononucleosis, headache, with whatever they usually do for a headache. Some people will take over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol or Advil and others may meditate their headaches away. Since the method of treatment for each symptom of mononucleosis is up to the patient the choice that the sufferer knows has worked in the past will work with this illness, too.

Going to a doctor, he will check to see if your lymph nodes are swollen. Sometimes your spleen or your liver will be swollen and they will check for that because it can be a very direct indicator as to if you have mono or not. The doctor will probably want to do some blood work on you to confirm if you have mono the kissing disease or not. If you have a higher than normal white blood count the chances are that you do have mono the kissing disease.

Mononucleosis can often cause a person to have a sore throat, so it is important that a person gargle a few times a day to help relieve it. Gargling helps get rid of the bacteria in the throat and helps reduce the swelling. There are many things that available for a person to gargle with, but it is recommended that a person use either salt water or licorice for the best results.

A valuable natural solution in treatment mononucleosis, is sleeping and rest. The less activity and more rest will aid in fighting off the viral infection. The fatigue you may feel during treatment mononucleosis can be overwhelming especially if the person is highly active in school, sports, or work. If you are not used to resting room darkening shades, or even reading a book, or working on a needlework will help you relax and remain quiet during the treatment mononucleosis.

Kissing disease mono very rarely causes any kind of complications, however, if there are any complications they can become extremely serious. Your spleen may become enlarged and may burst because it causes the spleen to handle a lot more blood cells than it usually does. Although it is very rare for the spleen to rupture it can be fatal if it is not treated very quickly. That is why it is extremely important to be aware of the symptoms that may cause the spleen to enlarge or possibly rupture. If you feel like your heart is beating extremely rapid or very hard, if you feel lightheaded, have trouble breathing, experience any pain in the upper left part of your abdomen or you are easily bleeding more than normal you should seek medical treatment immediately.

Want to find out more information on mononucleosis pics – Mononucleosis: The Kissing Disease, then visit our site and learn more about Mono and Your Teenager.

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