Japanese Tattooing Over Scars – Hiding Scars With Ink

People rarely ever wish for a scar, especially if it appears because of something they wish they could forget. Whether the scar is caused by a tragic accident or a life-saving surgery, some people prefer to cover this area and for different reasons. They might decide to get Japanese tattooing over scars or something less flamboyant.

Besides the risk of infection, there aren’t many additional risks with covering a scar with a tattoo. Also, the only way an infection would occur is if the scar was fresh. Tattoo artists won’t cover a fresh scar with a design, so the risk of infection is near to nil.

In the case of a fresh scar, tattoo artists generally won’t administer a tattoo of any size on a fresh scar. Another reason why it isn’t a good idea to tattoo a brand new scar is that the pain will be intense.

If the scar is an extremely thin layer of skin over a sensitive area, a doctor might tell the patient not to have the scar tattooed. It’s a good idea to listen to the doctor’s advice on this one. There could be another medical reason behind the doctor’s hesitancy in okaying the administering of a tattoo on top of a specific scarred area, so don’t go against what this medical professional suggests.

When it comes to the tattoo itself, a freshly scarred area might not accept the ink as readily as an older scar would. It’s best to wait until the scar has started to look closer to the normal skin color, as opposed to dark red or white.

The skin on a scar also has a smoother texture, so it might still show up if covered with a monochromatic design or one with little movement. Tattoos with lots of swirls, colors, and details seem to cover the problem much better than dark tribal tattoos of a single color.

Good reasons for covering a scar with a tattoo are to hide the scar with something prettier, to keep others from noticing the marred skin, or to turn a negative experience into a positive one. Women tattoo on top of mastectomy incisions once they’ve healed and even skin grafts can be tattooed over after a year or two has passed.

Japanese tattooing over scars or applying any other type of design over a scarred area of the skin might be a bad idea if you are only doing it because someone else wants you to. You should make the final decision, since you will be the one living with it the rest of your life.

You can now turn a scar into art with Japanese tattoos! Check out our site to learn all there is to know about Japanese tattooing over scars.

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