Is there a reason to trust 2012 predictions and prepare ourselves to survive 2012?

Will 21/12/2012 be the end of the world or a beginning of the New Age? The quantum leap will take place at the energy-informational level! According to the latest scientific research it will happen on the higher planes of matter existence!

2012 predictions, Planetary Alignment of December 2012 and return of the Red Planet X (Nibiru) make a lot of people ponder about what will actually happen in 2012. Movie industry have produced big number of blockbusters and illustrated many different scenarios. Movies like “Armageddon”, “2012”, “Doomsday” and “Day After Tomorrow” show possible end of the world scenarios in 2012.

Will the Judgement Day described in the Holy Bible happen in 2012? What will happen with all of us in 2012? Will our planet survive the Natural disasters and predicted end of the world in 2012?

Perhaps end of the world predictions are not really true and 2012 will be just another year in the life of our planet. We all were really afraid of Y2K and nothing really happened. Many people did made a lot of money by speculating on the Y2K problem though. Maybe all predictions of 2012 are the same and some people are just trying to speculate on the fear of people.

The theories of the world ending in 2012, Mayan calendar predictions, Nostradamus prophecies, theories of Planet Alignment, Apocalypse, 2012 Doomsday and Planet Nibiru X have grown with the huge number of different speculations and assumptions with the main goal to bring fear – the fear of not knowing the truth.

One thing that we should get ourselves ready for is the long period when magnetic field of our planet will be going through certain changes and south and north poles will shift. It might not sound as breathtaking as planet Nibiru hitting our planet or the start of the Flood that Holy Bible talked about (we are actually can already experience the informational flood today, the frequency of our environment is rising). The changes in the magnetic field of the Earth will take some time it cannot happen overnight.

The change that will be happening with our planet will be felt by all the living things on the planet including the humans. There is a very wise saying in the East: “You die when you lose your elasticity”. The shift in the magnetic shell of our planet will be the test in elasticity for everything that is alive on the planet Earth. It will be the test on a grand scale.

It is very important to realize that the change in the magnetic shell of the planet Earth will have a dramatic effect on the human Aura or energy shell. The formation of our Aura is strongly connected with the direction of the magnetic waves of our planet. If person’s health matrix or in other words person’s genome has enough power saved and if a human organism has enough energy in the reserve then 2012 will be just a walk in the park. [youtube:zTDv5RJ5EyY?version=3;[link:is the world going to end in 2012];]

When December 21st, 2012 will be getting close people who lack energy reserve in their Aura will experience problems and their Auras will get deformed. This deformation will cause many problems with health of those people. You need to make sure you have enough energy in your Aura before 2012 or it might be the real end of the world for you.

If you are seeking more in depth knowledge on the world ending in 2012 and want to know on the the way to survive 2012 then follow the link.

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