Irritable Bowel Syndrome Remedy

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a common disorder that mostly affects the large intestine also known as colon. Although the disease is very common among the adult population not many people are aware of its existence and therefore many people continue to suffer in silence plagued by the disease.

The statistics of the incidence rate is quite alarming but irritable bowel syndrome still isn’t given as much media attention as it deserves. Irritable bowel syndrome is however not contagious, or inherited or cancerous. This is good news considering the embarrassment that comes with it.

Irritable bowel syndrome can result from increased awareness of normal body functions, interplay of abnormal gastrointestinal tract movements and a deviation from the norm of nervous system communication between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract.

Diarrhea is yet another symptoms, which refers to frequent passing of stools that is watery and light in color. Diarrhea can be treated at home by increasing water intake in the body and rating salty biscuits. Patients can also take salty biscuits. Diarrhea can also be prevented by avoiding refined foods and foods that are artificially colored.

It should be noted that each individual is different and they may exhibit different signs of irritable bowel syndrome. People who exhibit severe signs but more severe are advised to seek professional help from a doctor or medical professions within their locale.

Irritable bowel syndrome can be either a minor annoyance or a very serious disease depending on the severity and frequency of the bowel activities; severe cases may result in tearing up of the anus and may lead to poor productivity at the workplace due to low self esteem. Unfortunately, the disease has no cure because not many people are willing to fund research for a cure for the disease; available treatments are not effective in the long run and may result in some side effects that are worse than the original symptoms, and these may include flatulence and bloating.

The best irritable bowel syndrome remedy is change in the diet and lifestyle of the patient with it. Patients should keep a diary of the foods they partake and this will help them in identifying types of food that their bodies are not comfortable with and therefore avoid them.

Some of the foods that may trigger irritable bowel syndrome include fatty foods, citrus fruits, wheat products, sugar, chocolate and alcohol. If the irritable bowel syndrome home remedy doesn’t counter the problem, one can apply a number of home remedies that can help suppress the symptoms. They include increasing fiber in the body, taking lots of water, taking cabbage juice and lettuce juice also helps. However, if a person identifies and avoids causative foods but still the symptoms persist, he/she should visit a doctor together with the diary in order for them to come up with a more comprehensive solution.

For those that want some exta information on the topic of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, you can check out Irritable Bowel Syndrome Remedies. Or if you are interested in Hypothyroidism you can go to the site on Treatment Of Hypothyroidism.

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