Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome causes a wide array of unpleasant symptoms like stomach cramps, gas, diarrhea, and even constipation. It develops due to different reasons and about 15 percent of the population in the United States has this disease. Long term Irritable Bowl Syndrome can cause depression and hemorriods.

Although the exact cause of irritable bowel syndrome is not known, stress and poor diet seem to be the aggravating factors. Irritable bowel syndrome is not a precursor to more serious problems like bowel cancer and doesn’t damage the lining of the colon. Hemorrhoids can form in untreated and long time suffers.

While spastic colon is often used interchangeably with IBS, the two are not always identical. Spastic colon can sometimes be caused by a virus or the use of antibiotics. If this is the case, the condition is typically resolved within a matter of months. IBS-related spastic colon, however, tends to be long-term and requires some form of treatment and lifestyle changes to alleviate the pain and discomfort.

Not all IBS sufferers experience the same symptoms. There are three kinds of IBS. IBS ” C is characterized by constipation as the dominant symptom. IBS ” D is characterized by diarrhea. IBS ” A alternates between cases of constipation and diarrhea.

Fortunately, plenty of great foods can be enjoyed on an IBS diet. In fact, there are some foods that can actually help IBS symptoms. These include many fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Although IBS is very painful it does not cause any long lasting damage to the colon.

Find out more about Spastic bowel. Stop by our website where you can find out all about The Grumbling Gut.

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