Introducing Yoni Tantric Massage

It is necessary to mention that tantra approaches the yoni – a place of respect and love. Keeping the stated in mind, it could be said that the yoni tantric massage is considered to be a means of honoring women. This massage is pleasurable and sensual and the main intent is to awaken woman’s awareness of her own sexuality as well as to create a strong bond of intimacy and trust with her partner, but not to bring her to orgasm. You have to understand that the orgasm is just a benefit, but not the intent of yoni tantric massage.

A tantric therapist will tell you that the intention behind tantric massage is not to reach a destination, however to experience the journey together. In case of tantric massage the woman has to trust her body to her partner. In other words, the key to yoni massage is that the woman retains. The practice of the tantric massage could last several hours of conscious awareness.

Practiced under a great tantra teacher, tantric massage is both spiritual and emotional journey of touch with reverence and respect as its foundation. As already mentioned, the main target of yoni tantric massage is not an orgasm, but the experience of relaxation, touch, release and pleasure. You have to bear in mind that each woman is at a different place in her journey and each experience of the tantric massage produces unique results.

As well, you have to know that tantric massage is described as the release of sacred feminine nectar. Yoni tantric massage is an intimate healing ritual and thus has to be shared only in a loving relationship. This is so because it helps women learn to trust their partners.

Remember that it helps them to regain control over their own sexuality. Apart from this, it is a powerful healing force for women who have been abused in the past as well as want to regain their sexuality and sensuality.

Those who happen to visit Hong Kong, for sure should try hong kong massage. One can easily arrange it via massage hong kong site or find it when walking around the city.

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