Increase the Power of Cotton Pads

I use around 10 cotton pads everyday for my cleansing and skin care. I am very interested if I am using the cotton pads correctly. I do some researches; gather some information and I discover that to use cotton pads correctly is very important. As the step is very easy maybe, most of us do not pay attention to the usage of cotton pads. I decide to write this short article to talk about by research result and experience. You can simple spend a few minutes reading it and you will also know the right way of using cotton pads.

First, before you can use your cotton pads, you have to buy ones. When you walk into the drugstore, you may find two types of cotton pads, one is made of cotton and the other is made of non-woven fabric. Both of them are good, but you need to know which one to use for different purpose. The cotton ones are usually thicker and therefore less absorbent. If you use the cotton pads for applying toner, you can choose the non-woven ones. Otherwise, you may need to dispense larger amount of toner every time. The thicker cotton pads on the other hand are good choice to cleanse cuticle or act as cotton masks.

When buying cotton pads, many of you like me may fall into one trap. I love the soft feel of cotton pads, therefore, I tend to choose those that are soft. In fact, you should choose those that are made from natural materials and those that will not leave the fiber onto your face.

One way to use cotton pads is to apply toner after cleansing your face. As toner is usually watery, it is very difficult to apply it by your manual hands. I read from a research from the famous Japanese cosmetic brand, Shiseido that around 1.5 to 2 ml toner should be used each time. When applying toner with cotton pads, you can use a wipe clean action for the cheek and jawbone areas. Cuticle accumulates most easily on the cheek and jawbone areas, this wipe clean action will help remove the cuticle. But, for eye areas, you should not use the wipe clean action. Just press and hold the cotton pads onto your eye areas for a few seconds.

Other than lotion, you can also use cotton pads for applying lotion. Many ladies like to use their hand to apply lotion. This is not bad but you may not actually apply lotion evenly to all over face. The hard to reach areas like around the nose are easily missed. Cotton pads can help in this case. Dispense the lotion onto your cotton pads and use the same wipe clean action for your cheek and chin. For eye areas, you may need to add a few drops of water to your cotton pad as well. The water facilitates easier effusion of the lotion.

If you have blackhead, cotton pads may also help. First, to deal with blackhead, you should try to avoid squeeze them out from the pores. Soak the cotton pads with toner. Place the toner onto T zone and wait for several minutes. The toner helps soften the blackhead. Then you can clean the blackhead with a wiping action.

As most of the cotton pads are with 5mm thick. You can use them for your facial treatment. Soak the cotton pads with toner or other moisturizer. Then tear one cotton pad into 5 to 6 pieces and you can apply them to different parts of your face.

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