Illness Prevention Through Hormesis Radiation Is Possible

Many people have an instinctual fear when they hear the term radiation and that is due to the fact that when we hear about it in the news, it is usually associated with chaos and destruction. The truth of the matter, however, is that we are exposed a veritable sea of ionizing radiation for our entire lives and we know that it can be helpful just looking at its use in cancer therapies. Hormesis radiation is the theory of using these waves in a stimulating way that is beneficial to overall health.

This shouldn’t come as too much of a shock considering that we are bathed in ionic radiation every moment of our lives. Interest in this natural phenomenon has been, while not widespread, touted by a number of different researchers for almost one hundred years.

As with most research, animal studies have been the best avenue to understand different dosing levels. In a number of cancer related studies it was found that prior dosing with small radiating levels brought the incidence of cancer infiltration down to much less than one quarter of the population once a secondary higher dose was given. Without this pre-treatment, almost half of the population would develop cancer when given this secondary amount.

These particular animal observations simply cannot be recreated in a human system since it would involve taking healthy people a seeing if they can protect against cancer. Varying dosage levels already exist throughout the population, such as in people who fly on planes frequently. Without the option of human trials, however, we have epidemiological observations.

It can come as no surprise that epidemiological observation of hermetic exposure has been done in the country of Japan. Its people have had an intimate relationship with different kinds of radiation between the bombs of World War II and their embrace of nuclear fusion reactors.

Regarding the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, those who had exposure to very low levels of radiation had a lower cancer death rate than fellow citizens who exposure levels were higher. Also, fisherman who had been near the hydrogen bomb drop at Bikini Island and were exposed to plutonium experienced no cancer related deaths.

When it comes to using hormesis as a therapy to keep you healthy, there are some spas that specialize in providing low levels of radiation. Depending on your health, or the incidence of disease in your family, this can be a positive avenue to try. Read more about: hormesis radiation

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