IBS Relief

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a very common medical disorder plaguing many people ” both men and women alike. The sometimes excruciating symptoms of gas, bloating, abdominal cramping, constipation, and diarrhea ” or sometimes alternating periods of both, often make the IBS victim unwilling to seek the advice of a health care professional for IBS relief. Often times, doctors will dismiss IBS symptoms as being nervous stomachs or misdiagnosis them as a stomach bug, prompting unneeded antibiotic treatment. Other doctors still believe IBS is in the head, a manifestation of psychological illness. But no matter is causing your IBS pain and discomfort, IBS sufferers need real IBS relief.

Spastic colon specifically refers to the muscles in the small and large intestines and how they can contract uncontrollably, leading to cramps and diarrhea or constipation. Imagine your hand opening and closing quickly and without your control, and you have an idea of how spastic colon works. The condition keeps the intestine and the bowels from properly working, leaving the sufferer feeling bloated, weak and otherwise miserable.

IBS symptoms are many and are often accompanied with or include abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, or a feeling of incomplete bowel movement. There are four different classifications of IBS, which have slightly different symptoms. IBS-D has diarrhea as its predominant symptom. IBS-C is characterized by constipation as its primary symptom. Thirdly IBS-A is named for the acute pain a patient feels as the most predominant of the IBS symptoms. Lastly IBS-PI is named for the fact that the onset of IBS symptoms closely follows an infectious disease the patient has had. Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or a positive stool culture often characterizes this last form of the disease.

Although the exact cause of irritable bowel syndrome is not known, stress and poor diet seem to be the aggravating factors. Irritable bowel syndrome is not a precursor to more serious problems like bowel cancer and doesn’t damage the lining of the colon. Hemorrhoids can form in untreated and long time suffers.

Normal digestion occurs when the muscles in the intestines contract to move food and waste through the body. Irritable bowel syndrome is usually caused by those muscles contracting harder and longer than in a normal person without the syndrome. Doctors usually diagnose a person with irritable bowel syndrome after several tests have ruled out more serious problems.

Bavolex’s natural ingredients work with the body to relieve IBS symptoms. Lemon balm helps to reduce indigestion and gas. Camomile helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Fennel seed helps to reduce intestinal spasms. Together with other soothing extracts, these ingredients form a highly effective weapon against spastic colon/IBS.

Learn more about IBS Relief. Stop by our website where you can learn all about Cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

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