IBS Help

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, otherwise known as IBS, has an unknown cause. Although stress, poor diet, and abnormal muscle spasms in the colon aggravate the condition all that is known is that the muscles in the intestines and colon spasm irregularly and cause abdominal cramp, bloating, nausea, and indigestion.

Some people are likelier than others to suffer from spastic colon. Women are especially at risk, especially young women. Stress–at home, at work, in a relationship and in a variety of other circumstances–is also a major factor. Certain foods can trigger spastic colon, as can anxiety or depression.

IBS symptoms are many and are often accompanied with or include abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, or a feeling of incomplete bowel movement. There are four different classifications of IBS, which have slightly different symptoms. IBS-D has diarrhea as its predominant symptom. IBS-C is characterized by constipation as its primary symptom. Thirdly IBS-A is named for the acute pain a patient feels as the most predominant of the IBS symptoms. Lastly IBS-PI is named for the fact that the onset of IBS symptoms closely follows an infectious disease the patient has had. Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or a positive stool culture often characterizes this last form of the disease.

Regular Exercise
We now know that stress is a factor that causes IBS, stress management can be controlled by exercising daily and by using relaxation techniques. Physical exercise works the bowel muscles and this is very beneficial for constipation. Some examples of exercises includes simple stretches, walking, stretching and yoga are all very helpful in relieving IBS.

Reducing stress in your life, eating smaller meals, regular exercise such as walking or yoga, and adequate sleep improve this disorder. Increasing fiber in the diet and drinking more water is another way to help the situation. For some patients a natural remedy may be the only medication needed to help. For centuries natural remedies from herbs and plants were used in Asia and Europe to treat nervous stomach and problems in the intestine.

To try this amazing remedy please visit the web page https://bavolex.com/soldout.aspx for more information.

Want to learn more information about ibs food – IBS and Colon Cleansing, then visit our site and learn more about Diet, lifestyle changes for irritable bowel syndrome.

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